Anduin is LGBT confirmed in Shadows Rising?

If its Jessica Alba then… maybe?

There’s something poetic about Anduin ogling a lady being followed with “He heard a slight thump and a small shape appeared.”

The only truth in this thread is that Good Boi Andy needs to get laid. :sunglasses:

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I wanted Anduin to get with the woman he thought was attractive behind the bar. Because she knew him as someone else and not Anduin.

We have the makings of a Hallmark movie, come on Blizzard! Do it!


Legit made me chuckle, good one.

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Do you have an actual transcript of the passage in question?

Oh my… Phrasing. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I didn’t know how much I wanted that until I read your comment. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you are calling me a bigot for expressing that someone was false flagged, that’s worthy of a non-false flag.

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seriously, how can one be lesbian, gay, bi, and trans at the same time?

The term you are looking for is ‘Anduin being gay’

no worries, even the blizz staff notices they are gonig on a false flagging spree of multiple ppl

He could be any number of things, we just don’t know for certain. Maybe even asexual.

No. he likes female dwarves, a female black lady in stormwind and female draeneis. clearly not.

I’m probably going to regret this, but …

This makes no sense.

You use a passage saying that Anduin wasn’t attracted to a specific woman as evidence that he’s attracted to men.

Then when someone points out that Anduin has been attracted to other women (or female beings, anyway), you say that he must be attracted to both men and women.

You haven’t provided any evidence that he’s attracted to men.

Why is this here?

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Is this book available to read as an Ebook?
I live in southamercia so waiting for it to get here is too much time.

My running theory is one of the mods hates us, and keeps shunting these threads here from GD.


If he’s in a brothel he’s probably not attracted to her because it’s Anduin and he’s probably uncomfortable being in a brothel.

If he’s in an inn he’s probably not attracted to her because it’s Anduin and he has a lot more stuff to think about than whether or not he’s attracted to a random woman.

Edit: Not to mention, look at the women Anduin’s grown up with and interacted with on a regular basis. At this point he’s probably more attracted to a woman’s personality as opposed to her looks. Spending countless hours around Valeera Sanguinar and Jaina Proudmoore probably makes physical appearance not as important to him, he spends time with some of the most heart-stoppingly beautiful women in lore.

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Seems like a jump. And giving the Alliance and humans in particular the first LGBT character is the right move I think. As you don’t want them compared to what is inherently inhuman.

But honestly, with magic being so common, idk how much trans or gender fluid troubles there’d be. Seems like you could just drink a potion or wave a wand and sort that out instantly.

I actually think the Forsaken are uniquely equipped to tackle this. As they have to rebuild their bodies with some regularity, I imagine gender to them would be a much different concept. You’d of course have people firmly identifying as blue or pink and not at all being happy with the idea of having a woman’s face or man’s torso replace what was destroyed.

But, maybe other people are much more playful with it. Why not? They’re undead nobody’s going to hate them at a glance for that more than the zombie thing.

Idk, I’m a straight cis guy, not really the story I’ve any business writing (see Snowflake, SafeSpace and the internet gas lad) but I do at least think there’s potential there.

Plus it’d fumigate the faction of all it’s insufferable edgelords so they can all be male human paladins with Scarlet Crusade transmogs. And I’d call that a win.

Did he not flirt with a bar maiden like a couple of sentences later?

Oh, oh, I know this one!


Two reasons - one, this exact question was asked and answered by Roux - she was not told Anduin was LGBT or not LGBT one way or another. It just simply wasn’t brought up.

The second is that the WoW’s head writer, Christie Golden, is extremely resistant to the idea of LGBT Anduin. She promotes the idea of Anduin as positive representation for straight men as ‘kind not being synonymous with being called gay’ and got her teeth kicked in by the twitter community for mocking a gay ship containing Anduin back in 2018 (prior to any gays) to the point she had to make an entire apology thread about it. She’s mutuals with people who deeply despise ‘wranduin’ fans, only likes and retweets Anduin with Tess Greymane, and months prior to Fairshaw debuting, was close mutuals with several people who all wanted it and had that all over her Likes as well. I wouldn’t say Golden has control over the whole story, but if she openly doesn’t like a ship or a headcanon, I don’t see it hitting stores near you anytime soon.