Anduin is LGBT confirmed in Shadows Rising?

jfc, this troll thread is still going?

had no idea about the goldeen thing

People get annoyed about all the nelf stuff so maybe this is what we get in return.

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Yeah, and again I say this a bit sarcastically, but you can actually tell in bits and pieces where the WoW story is going just by examining the twitter Likes of the writers and figuring out their preferences. I knew Sylvanas wouldn’t die in BfA, because Golden named her brand-new cat after her and promoted Sylvanas-positive stuff. I knew Wrathion wouldn’t be coming back in Shadowlands because the only content the writers admire are people laughing about him getting clocked. Admittedly, Fairshaw caught me by surprise because Blizzard sort of went from 0 to 100 on diversity in the blink of an eye, but I’m not surprised she chose the safe ship beloved by her mutuals, even if it came from literally nowhere. It’s actually kind of funny to see the two writers celebrate it so hard because, without fine-tuned shipping goggles, they don’t actually appear to be in any sort of relationship in the book. It’s extremely minute, compared to Lor’themar who’s writing sappy poetry about his beloved Thalryssa.

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Wouldn’t his sexual desire be suppressed due to his priestly nature?

My guess is that he may not like brothel type women. Since he always tried to be a “good boy” He may find women of such a situation to not really be his thing and more about personality than just wanting one time flings. I heard Christie did mention he wasn’t gay but sensitive and wanted to write him as a more sensitive male to let people know it’s ok to be sensitive.

WoW priests are not required to be celibate.

Why must we bring real world politics into the lore. Do we need a major lore character who is Islamic too? What about one who is Communist? What about one who is in to bestiality?

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I mean Jaina… Kalecgos…


I dont know if having a relationship with a sentient creature counts as bestiality. That’s more of a philosophical question.

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Sexuality has long existed in Warcraft as much as reality. The same can’t really be said of our religions or governmental theory.

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Did you just compare being gay to bestiality?

Maybe uh… maybe quit while you’re ahead… few of us are taking this thread seriously, it’s pretty clearly bait. Unless you’re also trolling in which case I am the fool.


I dunno, if you polymorphed your girlfriend into a sheep for it, even with consent, that’s treading a dubious line.

(I’m joking around, by the way)

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Did you just insinuate people who are in to beastiality have less rights than gay people? Personally I’m not in to either of those things, but if we have to include one non mainstream group, then we should include them all. I say we make Malfurion A communist and Wrathion a Muslim.

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Tell us why your preferred group deserves more attention than all the other groups? I could argue all the other groups like Muslims, Communists and people into horses are also persecuted and need some love.


Literally slippery slope argument.

You can argue whatever you want, doesn’t mean Blizzard has to listen.

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Don’t feed him, any serious answer he gets will only result in him giggling like a schoolgirl IRL at the negative attention he’s getting.

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What someone likes done with whatever hole is not a political topic.

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