Anduin is LGBT confirmed in Shadows Rising?

Personally, I would much rather the writing team never brings Khadgar back ever again based on how the writing team is nowadays. He’s the last cool character left in the game bar Keeshan for me at this point and I would rather he die in obscurity than be brought back for the new writers to ruin his character somehow.

Wranduin wranduin wranduin!

It’s easy when you’re just trolling

anduin has the best taste draenei ftw

I’ll only support wranduin if wrathion becomes wrathia. We need a better trans rep in Warcraft than the woman that joined blue man group.

What if… Anduin were the trans one?

It’s the only meme i have, take it or leave it

Give me delicious brown dragon girl wrathion or give me death

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Auduin is a lesbian, gay, bi and trans?

If Horde gets a fruitloop I’m swapping to Minesweeper as my MMO like it’s 1999.

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Oh, DOES he now?

Wonder if he’s looking for the right… ahem tail.


You outright lied about what happened in the book. Take your “wokefulness” and go somewhere else.

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Join me, and together, we can make trans Anduin and Wranduin canon!

Why does it matter? Also he is Lesbian, Gay, Bi AND Transgender? Cause…damn.


I heard somewhere on the forums two female trolls got married.

/pats Bodywrecker on the back

That’s fine. Anduin is just weak. Horde need to keep their strong leaders, although we haven’t had one since Garrosh.


I guess you didn’t know about the Garrosh/Gul’dan affair.

Lends new meaning to GG. lol

Get out. Now.

Well said.