Anduin is LGBT confirmed in Shadows Rising?

Anduin is down with the thiccness.


It means Anduin doesn’t have the mental fortitude of a teenager. That’s what that means.


Meh I dunno. More Ace rep is nice and all ( Heck I got all giddy watching Hazbin Hotel finally and learning one of the main characters is Aro / Ace. Right on ) but it’s far too stereotypical even by Blizz standards for Anduin to be “pure” because he prefers healing.


[human potential intensifies]

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Oh nooooooo. Writers aren’t allowed to have fun.

Yeah, I guess you’re right.

I was more coming at it from the angle of not leaving an heir and letting the kingdom develop drama, Alexander the Great style. The whole priesthood thing does make it a bit played out though.

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hey he’s already married to Basic camp fire!

And you know already how I feel about the whole baby making thing lol.

I just find it funny Alliance players call Anduin not qualified and that he only has the throne because of his lineage. YET SOMEHOW they think Anduin making a baby will somehow solve everything. The baby won’t even be able to lead for a long couple of decades.

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Sounds like Sims 3. Enough interaction and romancing and they will come your way. Always fun to discover after the fact they are married. :sweat_smile:

By all means, the writers can use all the reddit names and memes they want, I’m still going to call “zappy boi” stupid, because it is a stupid name.

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Which is why Bwonsamdi only calls him that to be comical. Not saying it’s his new name


Grasping at straws, that doesn’t mean he is gay it just means they he isn’t purely interested in a person for their physical appearance. People need to stop letting their head cannon blind them to what they are reading…

Shaw isn’t a big enough character. These people won’t be satisfied with just Shaw.

The Sims is such a weird / fun case of lgbt in gaming. One of the engineers just sort of programmed it to be an option without consulting the other workers. He got lucky and away with it because it was deemed a casual game.

So just imagine going “Oooookay gonna just sneak this in here” and having it payoff lol

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Bro I’m hella satisfied with Shaw and Flynn. They’re cute as hell


This forums obsession with one characters sexuality is just obnoxious

Get over it people


If its true about Shaw and Flynn, thats just sucks that they completely ignored the ingame stuff which pointed to him and valeera to get sidetrucked by a book. If they were going to do that they should add it to the game so anyone who doesn’t get the book isn’t completely confused as to why the last time they saw him ingame it looked liked valeera was the choice then SL hits and now hes with flynn. They really need to start adding all this into the game. The nightmare stuff in the malfurion emerald nightmare book was another huge event that should have been ingame to explain more of why legions first raid was the nightmare.


You do know how these timelines work right?

I’m willing to bet the shipping of Flynn and Shaw will be more vigorously satisfying than anything they could squeeze Anduin into.


I never said it was his new name, I said “Zappy boi” was a stupid name, which to me, it is. Imagine if a writer refereed to Khadgar as “Dadghar” in a new book, it would sound stupid as well.

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