Anduin has been ruined

His NPC now is shorter than me and looks like he’s had facial surgery because he doesn’t even look the same. Don’t like the beard or the bloodshot eyes in the cinematic. Used to be real cute too

Every male character has been ruined basically.
Varian, Garrosh, Fordring and a lot others… all dead, or they have been “rewired” by those great writers, and became soft, boring, one dimensional characters.
The only one I could say is still somehow masculine is Turalyon. But he feels more like a fanatic than an actual honorable warrior. I guess they will kill him off too soon enough, or make him impotent.

World of Soycraft

And why exactly do you claim that? He was more open towards the Horde than Alleria was and hasn’t done anything questionable so far. :dracthyr_shrug:

Regarding the topic of the thread: I don’t like Anduin’s new look. Alleria looks also awful now. Although I can understand it more for Anduin, Alleria, on the other hand, looks like a Karen from real life.


Considering everything he’s been through, including torture in the Shadowlands. Changes in demeanor are understandable, and because Shadowlands shenanigans, height changes could be explained, a hunch in his stance can cause noticable height variation with heavy pally armor hiding the hunch. Just as an example.

But seriously, after everything this man has been through since he was a child. Beaten, thrown around, heavy a** bells destroyed on his head… Torture. Self imposed exile. As a character, Anduin has proven to be one of the most complex and nuanced in the game, arguably much moreso than Thrall. And he along with Valleria are THE reasons I’m excited for TWW and the WSS as a whole. But standing alone, Anduin promises to deliver a gut wrenching story in this saga, and I’m so sorry if a character model has ruined that for you friend. I hope Blizz fixes this and when TWW goes live his model is more appealing to you and you can enjoy his story again.

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His boots had lifts in them maybe? Yeah he’s all whimpers and sorrow now, ‘light has abandoned me’ kinda thing and filled with so much guilt and self loathing he’s like escorting around a puppy…a really broken puppy. He supposedly wants to help but he supposedly gets himself kidnapped at one point. Yet we’re to follow this broken shell of a guy around? Can’t we like stash him in a closet somewhere or drop him in a therapist’s office and let him sort out his trauma and just…idk come back for him later? From what clips i’ve seen all Alleria does is yell at him the entire time and I…don’t know how that helps matters.

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They claimed several years had passed. They never said it was seven. Seven is too long. Characters have to age for there to be such a timeskip.

Id definitely watch an Alleria anime style cinematic but just about Anduin and his very long journey as a wanderer & trying to cope with what’s happened thus far & helping random villagers along the way.

The Samurai Jack bit was especially an amazing show. I almost miss the older version where it was just open ended and aimless, and the show wasn’t about the destination as much as it was about the journey.

It’s not that the look itself is bad the in-game model just looks really bad. A lot of it is the hairstyle they chose, it does not look good at all in-game.

We need more Kino’s journey type show’s, I’d watch that.

They gave him PTSD from some stupid magic mind control stuff where he didn’t even kill anyone. This writing is pathetic and they’re now making that part of the main plot.


I’m still waiting for Blizzard to come out with Anduin and give him some woke titles to justify his behaviour.

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Anduins appearance in the cinematic make perfect sense due to him being a PTSD ridden emotional wreck at that point. When we talk to him in Silithius he clearly shows signs of getting over it, to a degree at least and he is surrounded with people he considers trusted friends so that help as well.

There should be a size slider at character design. I suppose that there are short nightelves that is no taller than the average human.

I’m guessing you don’t know the rest of his story then. It wasn’t just from that event. It was what ultimately broke him. Considering it took most of his entire life up until that point to happen, that’s actually kind of impressive. He’s resilient, but everyone has their breaking point.

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I would be pretty messed up to if I got mind controlled into fighting my friends. Also stabbing the Archon in the chest, you even see him wrestle with that moment. Also pretty sure he killed some Night Fae or at least lead the attack. Anduins portrayal is actually a really accurate depiction of PTSD.

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That’s not what was said in the pre-patch recap video.

If it was accurate, he would have gotten that in MoP or BFA, with a decent story that takes into account the complexities of the human mind. “What a king must do” clashes with his inner convictions about peace, garnished with a traumatic war experience. Corpses, death, destruction, war crimes, the fear of death. That would’ve been nice.

“He was mind controlled lol” is just lazy.
He hasn’t even caused any real lasting damage to anyone. Even the Archon was super fine afterwards.

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Helplessness is a BIG triggering factor for PTSD. He was not helpless in MOP and BFA, yeah he was in some crazy situations but he for the most part was in control. With the jailer he was helpless to stop it or change it. Go read up on accounts of PTSD that’s a massive contributing factor.

Lazy would have been , he seen stuff so he has PTSD. Actually diving into the nitty gritty of what PTSD is ultimately is not only fantastic writing but a great motivator for a character to change and grow.

Notice how in the cinematic he can’t separate what he did and what he was forced to do? That’s even something he and Sylvanis discuss in Shadowlands.


Give the man some xanax and let him sit this expac out. He needs some time off

So many people were praising that artist when he debuted that look on Twitter too. They were mad cause I was the only one who told him…ALLERIA LOOKS AWFUL! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

They thought I was trolling cause he was the artist and I wanted some attention. I absolutely 100% was not. I was not playing kiss a**, he messed her up! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Even the in game cinematics…I still can’t. She has a new trailer short. I still scream at my monitor…YOU WERE HOTTER BEFORE!!

sure human, if that is what you want to believe.

have a nice sunday.

what happened to priest!Brad Pitt :dracthyr_cry_animated: he’s lookin’ rough

This… This right here… This is why I’m worried that Anduin is going to have a fall, maybe temporary instead of permanent. But his story (and actions in official trailer) are starting to give heavy Arthus vibes. And I think it would be cool to have his story mirror to a certain point. The kids been beaten down by life and has reason to give into the voices, but let us save him this time. Don’t make us sit back and watch another incredible light user be destroyed by their trauma.

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