Anduin has been ruined

That’s wrong. And even if it was less, characters should’ve aged.

Any fixation on pixels on that level are concerning.


there was a short story posted a while ago about him being in Stormsong Valley working on a farm prior to travelling to Silithus

I dunno, fam. I’d volunteer to be his divine steed.

tbf, he is a human and you’re a tall Nightborne. Leave that short king alone :open_mouth: .

It absolutely horrifies me what some lovely people have done to their faces with filler and botox these days. :scream:

I know its their body, their choice and all that… but it still makes me sad that they didn’t think they were good enough in their natural form. I also doubt everyone is happy with some of their, err… results.

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It’s not wrong, see on the Horde side, the Reagent or whatever of the Blood Elves married one of the Suramar Elves and they talk about 7 years passing between SL & DF. This is discussed on the platform by the NPCs that allows horde to take a ship to the Dragon Isles.

Edit - Anduin sure as hell looked aged and haggard during his talk with Thrall.

Hey, if they have the money to “improve” themselves, at least in their eyes, then that’s their business. That said, some celebs take it way too far to the point that it could be considered self-harm. In those cases, I think some outside intervention should be done by default.

How do you know

Anduin looks like an Adult man who’s been through a War. Looks so much better than the fresh faced prince with no experience.

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Trauma does “ruin” people. Trust me.


When was Anduin particularly great?

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Science my dear.

I think it’s time to touch up the engine again personally.

I have seen amazing private work in UE5.

If it didn’t require a super computer to ruin very well I’d be all for it, not to mention it appears to run terrible on intel machines.

well blizzard OP doesnt like the Anduin model time to pack it up wow is ruined lets shut the servers down its been a good run /s

I don’t know, I have not played it I only work in UE5 sometimes and I think the videos are gorgeous.

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The problem is that he already had that story arc when his father was killed by Sylvanas and he had the emotional maturity to pick himself back up and resolve to stop the Legion after finding his father’s sword.

It’s much harder to sell people on ‘trauma’ when your new trauma is getting body snatched by the ghost of Arthas or something, stabbing an unimportant NPC, and then helping evil squidward attempt to blow up reality. I’m sorry, what? It’d be more believable if Blizzard had the guts to have him do something like kill Jaina.

You are aware relapses happen right? Especially if you’re dumping a fresh new trauma on an already traumatized person

The fact he enjoyed any form of violence freaked him out after he’s tried for so long to be more of a pacifist. That trauma on top of what he’s been thru before, of course he’s gonna be messed up. He’s at minus one at this point

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