Anduin has been ruined

this is the third time that Anduin goes through the “i’m so sad and i don’t know if i can do it” growth

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You know what, he really does look like Zac Efron in the movie Gold. Such a good movie.

Being mind controlled by someone more pathetic and incel-y then arthas is likely to mess you up.

They also finally updated his voice acting to reflect this (very recently too)… and his reaction if you click on him too much… :grimacing:

I felt so sorry…

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You know when you wield a lich kings blade it does split your soul in two and when you invoke its power its literally ripping the soul from the users in order to invoke its most powerful ability. Because if you remember the jailer said it needed a pure and powerful soul for his plans.

Heart Chamber is the TJ of cosmetic surgery. Anduin & Wrathion went from dud to hot after all those azerite steam.

he is a computer character not alive lol

only thing this proves is both models are terrible.

Oh, yeah. Now I remember. You’re right.
Didn’t pay much attention during SL.

What? Sorry, but Anduin is super hot in that cinematic.

If only he was that hot in the game…

Im so glad this was changed. It was so weird as she was the only night elf wearing the too.

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I guess you are just weird to find emotionally broken and defeated men super hot. I think he looks like he should be asking for stew in westfall.


I’m 100% for real and look at my acheevs. He did nothing. He whined about being controlled to do nothing but stab a god that did not die and being a raid boss that did not die. What am I supposed to be serious about?

Jaina got a bomb dropped on top of her head and all her friends killed…yet she has been proactively aiding the cause. Anduin gets his mind controlled for 2 seconds with nothing serious done to him and all he does is cry and moan about it…to Sylvanas, no less, the one person that did it to him. And this is the writing that is supposed to be setting up War Within. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

What happened to Anduin? I wanna know. And no books…who cares about the books that are never in the game.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even when they’re wrong. :dracthyr_shrug:

I guess I have to agree with DebbyFrowner. While I like Anduin’s chances of growing into manhood and having a heroic and or redemption arc, he should be taller and less scruffy faced.

Maybe give him a hoody and taller shoes until he can rip it off and put the light back in Shalamayne.

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I wish they kept his long hair at least :pensive:

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hahaha @ people experiencing the ruination of a favorite wow character…
the writers of wow do this to all the good characters. Saurfang got off easy before writers butchered his character arc.


how did he get ruined

Ashbringer? Don’t you mean Shalamayne? Kind of…completely different swords.

Someone bring a lake in here for all the thirsty people.