Anduin has been ruined

I figured he’d go back to being a disney prince after shadowlands, I’m kinda pleasantly surprised honestly

Ummm he was always ruined LMAO

join the club they ruined my girl too.

Nothing against the classic Disney princes. At least they still had charm and style. All the male characters Disney has released in recent years on the other hand…I’ll just leave it at that. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the gruff military grunt look, I hate it. He could have long, ragged hair, a beard, a blonde, weary version of his father, it would be a good dynamic. Naaaah, we get a cut Gears of War character. :o


So that statement has a major downside. This is arguably the first time we have seen him as an actual adult. So… ima just leave that there.

The events of SL were the final straw that broke him. The poor guy has had a traumatic life, he deservers some time to heal and rebuild.


Someone obviously had a period of depression where their entire attitude to everything was “just heck my stuff up bro”.

No more weird than men drooling over Sylvanas, Alleria, Xal’atath, Jaina, Tyrande and the list could go on.


I warned him. He was really drunk, and he kept saying I’m going to :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: that Tauren. I was like, “Him?? He’ll ruin you for life.”

He didn’t listen, as usual and I was right, also as usual. People should pay attention to how often the crazy people are right despite the crazy.


Sorry folks Andiun hit the gym and sprouted some facial hair. It’s all toxic Manduin from here on out. There is no going back.

People complain when the characters are one dimensional. Blizzard makes their characters complex. People now complain that the characters aren’t one dimensional copies of how they were 10 years ago. :man_facepalming:

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No, they want him depressed but hot depressed. People want the bathing, conditioned hair, groomed beard, nicely dress but still looks kinda sad. Not, “Hey buddy, you need some help? Some food? A little chap stick?”

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Nah I’m glad he doesn’t look like a disney twink any more


OP’s name checks out. :smirk:

Dude got the Macaulay Culkin special

Did he stop wearing lip gloss?

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whoa, can all models get that hd upgrade pretty please? :o

PTSD can do that to people

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You mean he finally looks like a grown man and not some little boy toy glammie priss? About time they make him look more rugged, not if they stop having him whine about his feelings all the time.