And that kids is why sharding is unacceptable

Sadly, there are those that think those kinds of interactions will still be there if sharding is implemented.


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I’ve been trying to say this myself, they won’t listen because they don’t care.

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Are we STILL going on about this?

Apparently yes.

Yep! And the personal attacks by a certain couple posters have given me more posts to flag for harassment. It’s glorious. They have no valid arguments against sharding the staring areas, so they simply resort to attacking posters.

They don’t understand how terrible the TBC launch was and how terrible fresh private server launches are (with a fraction of the number of people that will be playing Classic at launch), so they can do nothing but attack other posters directly. It makes for great use of the flagging system.

we didn’t need them in vanilla and we didn’t need them in bc.
there. valid argument.
we aren’t going to have nearly the numbers in classic as we did at bc launch.


The technology wasn’t available in Vanilla or TBC. There was also one realm per server in Vanilla and TBC.

Which is good because the launch of TBC was an unmitigated disaster.

funny because i had zero issues.
and i was there on launch night.
doing nothing but pvp for about 6-7 hours.
but tell me again about this disaster?

you said a valid argument. i gave you one.
we aren’t going to have 8 million people. they aren’t going to be going from 1 zone to another zone.
they will be spread across 3 starting zones and faction specific.
with modern equipment that should be ZERO problem.


How did TBC ever survive without sharding?

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it didn’t, didn’t you hear? TBC was that expansion that introduced sharding and saw subs plummit.

oh wait. sorry. wrong expansion.


Nope, BC just had queues and crashing servers at launch.

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Correct. Once people got out of the initial Hellfire DISASTER (Do NOT care about PvP, it is useless and stupid), things spread out and smoothed out.

Still have yet to see a single VALID reason for not sharding the starting zones at launch, just a lot of sarcasm and snark.

Let me break down what no sharding will do

Group A who wants the most chaotic laggy crashy launch experience will have fun

Group B who doesn’t want that will suffer through it or just wait instead of ruining Group A’s fun with a useless and stupid mechanic

Group C that wanted sharding will freak out that they can’t have their way and probably not play at launch (hopefully forever)

What sharding will do is keep more of Group C around. Those people suck, will constantly moan about class balance and QoL, and most likely quit when the new expansion comes out. Not to mention try and report everyone who slights them in any way, bogging down customer service. So of course no sharding is the superior option.


None of the points in your post are the least bit valid.

Also, it’s borderline trolling, attacking and harassing portions of the player base Blizzard is after.

You’re going to have people from BfA playing Classic whether you want them or not. Blizzard’s “One World of Warcraft” sub model will see to that. So many terrible people in this forum trying to have things similar to Jim Crow laws so they don’t get “undesirables” in “their” game… LOL!

I’m p sure you’re a double agent. Either way all you accomplish is driving ppl to make a ton of anti sharding noise that blizzard can’t ignore. So thanks

Wasn’t in Vanilla. Only reason that matters.


2 Likes integration wasn’t in Vanilla, still happening.

By that “logic” ANY non-vanilla change could be implemented in Classic™.

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It very well could be. They have only said an absolute “no” to very specific things. No LFR, no cross-realm zones (though they haven’t specifically said anything about Xrealm BGs for you PvP-oriented folks), no dual-spec…

But, Battle net integration is happening, right-click report with auto-squelch is happening, modern API is happening…

Don’t get me wrong… I want as few changes, gameplay-wise, from Vanilla as possible. I do believe that sharding the starting areas is a necessary evil for the limited launch period. Unlike other issues my viewpoint has changed on (class-balance for example. I used to want it, I no longer want them to change it), sharding the starting zones is one viewpoint I will not EVER budge on. I don’t feel sharding needs to be used anywhere else, but I do believe it needs to be used for the initial launch rush in the starting zones.

Reading between the lines at the panels at Blizzcon and the interviews after, it seems as though Blizzard is following that same mindset, and the main opposition to it is from a small vocal minority here on the Classic forums, whereas elsewhere on the internet (including the ClassicWoW reddit, where Blizz also posts), many more people understand the need for sharding the starting zones.

There is no need for sharding. Historically speaking, it is unnecessary.