Analysis Of Why Tanks Are Underplayed

If I had a dime for every time I’m tanking her, moving her in a circle to keep everyone clear of the webbing on the floor, that some clown comes in and taunts her back into the webbing, effectively keeping melee dps out of the fight…

Great job idiot, you’ve made a 5 minute fight into a 10 minute slog because half the dps can’t even get to her.

I’ve solo’d her on my prot warrior, and to do that you darn well better understand positioning.

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Seems to be Hunter pets, mostly. They just let them do whatever.

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Yeah, I used to play Taunt tug o war with them for threat but after years of dealing with it I just don’t care anymore, you pull it and can’t handle it, too bad I’m not even wasting the taunt cooldown on you, just die and get it over with.

If they taunt and can handle it, cool, I’ll go back to Netflix and phone the rest of the fight in as a dps.


For me, my desire to tank was forevermore annhiliated by the toxicity shown towards tanks that do not do everything perfectly. A tank can make a mistake that will make the run take .00005 seconds longer than “optimal”, and will be berated and shat upon mercilessly.

No thanks. There is NOTHING they can do to make me want to tank again, ever.

me like being big bad bear

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I play all tanks minus brewmaster …. I love it , all I do is pug , if you need a tank feeel free to add me and I’ll be your guy :muscle:

you can’t seriously be blaming tanks on this? really? seriously?

it’s all the stupid hunters, warlocks and shaman with their on CD taunting pets that screw up her positioning. It’s so bad I don’t even bother trying to reposition her anymore once some moron sends his pet in with taunt on and holds it in the crap. I’ll just go stand by the door until she dies.

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Problem is, like your first post, it’s not the dying part it’s that I just sit there 8 yards away on the outside of that puddle not doing anything.

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You bring up a great point. It really felt like parts of BFA and early SL maintaining an offspec was really challenging.

This. I’m right there with you 100%

Ah yes. The old 5th times the charm. Bound to work

There are a few pulls that I will bop myself while grouping up.
The stealth cat things after first boss in spires.
The urn pull in ardeweald in dos.
Double pull in halls after 2nd boss etc
I always tell people I’m doing it and if they get agro they die. I’m no cancelling my bop and ruining my own chances of survival to save them if they can’t wait 4 seconds for me to group them.
Bop and divine steed and run through only to see a warrior charge them and stsrt spinning. Idc. You can die


in version Final Fantasy XIV, its better.

I’m a tank. I only have one character and I only play blood. I really like solo shuffle. Actually really like it when the other team tries to kill me and it’s a race. And I like it when there’s one really good player doing insane damage and I can peel them the whole time.

Dunno if that’s useful feedback, but that’s fun. Agree with the rest of the comments though. Dungeons and pugs are toxic and unrewarding. I’d rather do solo attempts on BFA raids than current content. That was true for the last few expansions. So not to disparage SL, just to say, there’s something in that the makes tanking fun.

Cant even lvl thru dungeon grinding without the expectation of perfection…

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This right here! I play 3 tanks and 2 healers. No dps. Even if I pre-type, and copy/paste, “This is my first run in this dungeon, bear with me, feel free to point the way”. The response is “gogogogo”, and they are usually already gone and saying “tank sux!!1” when I am running from 100 yards away trying to catch up…like right when I spawn in! Never seen the place before, no idea where my party (shortcutted away somewhere) is…“Tank sux!”

Also, after I have run a dungeon 37 times (new uldaman) and gotten everything from it, why would I ever go back? Where are the “new tanks” to run with the “new dps”? So a couple months after insert new expansion comes out, all you’ll get is the occasional tank passing through whatever level, with leveling so fast now, most will blow through in 10 minutes flat and not even run them.

remove mythic+ timer. boom tank shortage fixed

That is the crutch of the whole thing. I have 1 of each tank. I will at some point level them all to cap. Once I am to level cap I will never be the que again unless a friend is wanting to level up with LFD. There really isn’t anything Blizzard could do/add to make me wish to engage in the que. That is the cold hard truth of it.

Yes the running ahead and pulling stuff to the tank is annoying but it can be ignored unless it causes a wipe. And the people who want to do “the skips” but aren’t capable of doing “the skips” is annoying but less so than in keys.

How do you fix this? There isn’t a fix that wouldn’t outrage people, like say chance at a rare mount. If they don’t make it a fairly high drop rate then tanks won’t be bothered to do it. Even then once everyone who wants the mounts has them the problem starts again.

Honestly WF/TF was a good fix for getting more tanks into lower keys. You didn’t feel like you were missing out running with guildies in a 5 when you should be farming 15s for gear. You had the same shot at a TF item from either. But the hate was too great for WF/TF by the raid loggers.

Some people just don’t find them fun. The only tank spec I’ve enjoyed is brewmaster, and I don’t like WW or MW. I won’t main a class in which only one of the specs is fun for me.

That wont fix anything, especially #3 because no one is gonna wait for DPS #3 to type what pack to pull next in chat.

Tanks are in a good place compared to each other for the most part. Watch any “tier list” and you’ll see what really separates the tanks is “fun to play” or “hard to pick up”

Spec Bonus…I can hear the DPS typing furiously at their keyboards about how it’s not fair.

More tank specs will totally not add more tanks to the game just make the people tanking have more alts.

People say M+ is a joke as it is now till you get into 25+ keys so Flex 10 man M+ keys won’t work unless they design the instances around that. Kara could have been and Mech/Market could have been designed that way.

More tanks in raids is just dumb because 95% of the time its just taunt swap when DBM tells you to.