This weeks “An Original Path Through Time” quest is not working. After you pick up the quest and complete one timewalking dungeon and leave the dungeon or reque for another, the quest automatically deletes. Quest is not tracking progress correctly.
The quest keeps dropping for me too.
I picked it up from the dungeon journal but once I did a delve, the quest dropped. I picked it up from the quest giver himself but once I entered Orgrimmar, the quest dropped.
Same, I just ran 5 dungeons and got credit for none because the quest kept disappearing.
Same not working for me too I’ve done at least 7 time walking dungeons and have 0 credit towards the weekly cause it keeps getting deleted from quest log after each dungeon.
I’m as well experiencing this exact same issue. At this time, I just advise against doing this particular weekly quest until it’s resolved. Hopefully it’s resolved before Anniversary Event ends next Tuesday.
I posted in the other thread, I accepted it at the anniversary grounds and queued right from there, did not go anywhere else (queues were quite quick as a dps thankfully) and I was able to get 5/5 done and hand it in, it never disappeared from my log and tracked each complete dungeon.
If it makes any difference at all I got.
Dire Maul - Capital Gardens
Stratholme - Balnazzar x 2
Not sure if this is a work around that could work for everyone, as I could simply have not been experiencing that bug.
Jan 1 2025
Levelling my 2nd Rogue, level 70 and I accepted the quest at the Anniversary grounds, again, and it’s tracking, I’m on 4 out of 5. Yesterday was a level 80 character. I’m not leaving Anniversary area.
I actually tried this after several failed attempts, I don’t think it matters where you pick it up from but it might be a situation that has to meet certain conditions maybe. So anyway, I picked it up from Tanaris, auto accept from within a time walking. I still haven’t figured out when it auto deletes itself.
Same here. I’ve done it three times. Each time I pick up the quest, track it, do a TW run, the quest deletes itself when I complete the instance.
I’ve tried it both ways and neither worked.
Both my wife and I both have the same problem. We pick up the quest before every dungeon, and it disappears as soon as we enter. Even when other member share the quest while in the dungeon, we lose the quest as soon as the dungeon is finished. We’ve done this at least 6 times so far tonight. WTF?
yup, resets every time you get in a new timewalking dungeon.
Yep, it’s broken. Once again, putting in untested changes breaks the game. Must be a day ending in y. It probably won’t be fixed until next week at the earliest. They left Siren Isle broken over the holiday, so yeah.
I guess I’m going to go play something else for now.
Confirm. The quest gets removed from quest log once you enter the dungeon.
Is it also Classic Timewalking everyweek? I thought the expansion alternated every week.
That’s the problem, you can’t do it.
I have the same issue, and it’s infuriating…
Yep. Same thing here on Greymane. I thought it was me. I’ve done the TW instances 3 times now and it drops it every single time.
also having the quest drop from my quest log every load screen
I’ve had the same issue. if i pick up the quest and so something as simple as hearting back to SW the quest disappears from my list. Doing it across multiple characters. I’ve deleted my WTF/Cache/Interface folders, still happening.
Got it automatically in Old Strat, vanished when done, got it from npc in Ogrimm, vanished after strat again, got it from 20th anniversy grounds, AV que poped, quest gone once I came out
in summ, lost credit for 2 TW runs, and had the quest delete itself 3 times
Same issue is occurring for me.