Hi everyone! I’m posting this in CS because the people here are pretty informed about the ToS and I’m hoping I can get some better information here and hopefully input from a blue if they could offer some clarification. This post is going to be a little long-winded so there will be a tl;dr at the bottom.
This post isn’t to debate the Social Contract, the ToS, or moderation, and I’d appreciate it if we could keep that out of here. I’d like to be able to share this thread with others in the roleplay community to help others understand the impact moderation may potentially have on roleplay and how to abide by the ToS.
Does anyone know how GMs approach reports in regards to roleplay? Obviously swearing, slurs, and disparaging language are against the ToS, but how are dark themes and abusive language approached by GMs? If it’s on a roleplay server, will a GM look at logs to see if it was in-character vs out-of-character? Will a GM look to see if all parties involved consented?
A few examples:
What if my character and a friend’s character get into a heated argument in the middle of Stormwind? No swears or offensive language is used, but it could be considered “abusive language”. Would that be an actionable offense?
What if a group wants to roleplay the Demon Hunter rituals, or a Warlock ritual? Would the more darker themes of that be actionable?
If my Horde warparty is roleplaying fighting pirates, would getting into the details of our attacks and wounds be an actionable offense?
If anyone could please provide clarification it’d be greatly appreciated. As I said I’m not looking to debate the ToS or stir up drama. I think having some input on these things would be a big help to the roleplay community though so everyone has a better understanding of what is and isn’t ok.
Tl;dr: do GMs take a different approach to looking at in-character interactions vs. out-of-character interactions when it comes to reports?
Thanks everyone!