An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

Oh… well darn it.

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Like Mirasol said, I don’t hide who my alts are, and it’s easy to tell it’s me, even my Classic toons 'cause Charmed.


I swear, some posters on these forums are raving loons or just off their meds.

Your only forum posts on that character have been about this topic directly trying to harrass people claiming you’re being harrassed. Ironically, with almost perfect timing, after the second person she blocked she told them she blocked.

Is it just me or is that really sus on the timing? We don’t see that main post anymore or that alt of the person’s main that was pointed out by another poster?

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I put that one on ignore. No point in even trying when they’re making wild false accusations.

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I blocked you and then you posted on another alt and then bypassed my block. See how you accused other ppl of doing that and said it’s harassment and against forum rules. Hypocrites.

I believe there a website, pvp something or another, that has an alt tracker of sorts.

I’ve been on the same toon and you literally keep feeding it.

I’ve heard of that I forget what it’s called though.

Have you been to their forum?

Step 1 to becoming a Community Council Member - Apply
Step 2 to becoming a Community Council Member - Verify your flag is clearly planted on the left pole
Step 3 to becoming a Community Council Member - Agree with everything all other Community Council Members say, so no real discussion can be had.

They aren’t special in any way. Not sure why you bother making a big deal out of their hypocrisy. It won’t stop it from happening.


Now let’s get an eye on the devs and improving them.

Sometimes it’s fun to poke sticks at them and watch them self destruct. When they go… hoo boy!

Oh I know you are right, but I just wanted to point it out. This CC member and her goonies literally stated what they were doing themselves was harassment and then even linked the forum rules. It’s a form of strongarming to try to silence an opinion that they don’t like.


This is what your 3rd alt you’re posting on now to directly speak with people after they blocked you and now you’re going full #karen on the forums?

hides in mailbox
:mailbox: :fox_face:

There is bypassing Ignore in game.

Ignore on the forums is char specific. Switching chars is not currently against the rules. Further, you can’t stop anyone from replying. You can only put the new char on Ignore.

A WoW licence can have 50 regular chars + however many classic chars. A Bnet account can have 8 WoW licences.

Imagine the possibility! And all within Blizzard’s current rules. Some people abuse that to sockpuppet which is a subset of behavior - self promotion/agreement or even arguing with themselves to create thread drama.

I want Btag posting with ability to select a char for the avatar. That would resolve all of this, except the people with many Bnet accounts.


You’re responding to me? Go look up my account and characters, you are a liar and an antagonizer. This is the only alt I have posted on.

I can’t tell who is who on this thing. All I know is the other poster that was already on this topic mysteriously stopped then you mysteriously started and your ONLY posts are on this thread.

That’s highly sus to me. If you’re someone else I’m sorry but if you’re the person from before going on a tangent, just move on.

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Go look at my account ffs. Hypocrite. I didn’t try to hide in like the CC member did. Are you there alt too? Why are you defending their hypocrisy?

Came for the thread-- Not Disappointed.


I find it quite amusing that the rules as explicitly stated are rather easy to interpret. Though they feel their own slanted view of the rules are the definitive and all knowing version of what the rules state.

Sorry, I don’t feel like turning off my brain to comply with erroneous dictation of what the Blizzard Terms of Service, and Forums Code of Conduct is. I can figure it out for myself with vastly more accuracy then they can. But in the end /shrug.

I want some with extra butter