An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

No, you didn’t switch to prove a point you switched and then continued to have a debate with me on the issue and only admitted that you are posting on your alt when I said I would go check whose other alts you were. Nothing but a hypocrite and someone who just got caught breaking the forum rules.


You might want to look up the term…

Exposed then tried to save themselves after I called them out. Broke the forum rules and don’t deserve to be a member of the community council. Just what I stated about these hypocrites wanting to abuse power.

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Next time my ID expires, I guess, we’ll see lol

Can’t “Expose them” if they admit it before hand.

It was obvious on purpose. Go forth and try to prove other alts. Feel free.

And no, I was not breaking forum rules as they currently stand. I was not promoting my own posts, replying to myself, etc. Do you even know what a sock puppeting is?


I have an old address on mine lawl I should get that swapped xD

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Nope look at the quotes. I said I would go look up who they were up like someone else did and then they admitted it knowing they were about to be exposed. keep trying to whiteknight though. High chance you are someone else’s alt in this thread too. Nothing but hypocrites. :clown_face: all of them.

Urban Dictionary has some VERY nasty definitions, definitely NSFW

You have no way of knowing if they did or didn’t, even seeing the starred symbols is enough.

The only distinction of why it got overturned is the possibility of not using it at someone else.

Would be grateful if that applied here too, alas…

I don’t want to know that context!

Is it like this?

Oh no the Urban Dictionary… THAT CAN OF WORMS D:

How about, now?

No, I’m the REAL Piper!

Dude we get it you’re the one guy from before that got mad the one poster threw you on ignore and now you’re having a hissy fit.

Now you are foaming at the mouth… What ever you are doing or drinking, you might want to scale it back.

You have a lovely set of charmed alts if I remember correctly. I also don’t think you use them to self promote. You are also open about your alts.


No, it’s me. Same guild name :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Try to play it off all you want. But you were the first person who tried to out someone else in this thread for posting on their alts. I noticed how when someone else does it you guys then try to out the person by stating they are in the thread with another alt. It seems to be a common thing in other threads too. Hypocrites.