An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

Hey everyone, our Community Council member admitted to using her sock puppet account to antagonize me. I am pretty sure someone stated that was against the forum rules. :thinking:


Don’t forget about public search records from most public cities that some public records blatantly have deeper personal info on, like social date of birth and other stuff.

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IK. I kept asking why is it “odd” for me to not use a word especially if I was conditioned to use it as an insult? That’s what that question meant.

IK this, too. It’s part of the Flintstones theme song and used in some Christmas carols.

Thanks for clarifying for others. I switch alts and have no problem with others posting on their alts. This is Trikzi.
There’s posting on alts for many reasons and then there are people who do it while they talk to themselves or upvote their own postings. That’s just not honest.
But I dont’ care about that other person posting on alts except I think Estalayia would have wanted to know it was the same person being unkind again to her.

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Another one just admitted to posting on their sock puppet alt to also create drama and antagonize me. Everyone take notes on the hypocrites. This person even tried to out the other forum poster on posting on their alt by looking up their information. Creep alert.

I used to post on dingringding but I like this toon’s profile picture better.

I’m only member level 2 but hopefully I get 3 soon lol


I don’t think anyone should have made the big deal they did over your personal reasons for not wanting to say ‘gay’ or any other word. Seriously none of their business.

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Same reason for my avatar :laughing:

If I run out of likes I switch in order to like more posts.

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I’m also in the guild bank I’m in because it gets people mad for some reason.

The guild is filled with vulperas and tauren! There are some zandalaris and an orc though in there.

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Whew, honk honk

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Not really Sock Puppeting when they admit it’s their alt and they are not having a conversation with themselves.

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That’s fair, too. I try to stick with one toon and reserve my hearts but there are a lot of cool people to give hearts too lol

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I don’t think anybody actually did, and know for certain I didn’t.
Unless calling it odd and being badgered by the thought police counts as my making a big deal of it.

I don’t do that on the forums, I do that in trade chat. I have arguments with myself with my accounts. 9/10 people find it funny lol

A CC member just got outed for having multiple conversations with me on the same subject but with different alts to fuel the drama. At this point, I highly doubt they haven’t.

Oh my goodness lol

Exactly - talking to themselves, promoting and agreeing with their own posts. Oddly even creating a fake argument with themselves to draw folks in. I just…


I won’t get in any trouble for proving my point by switching, but yeah. I generally don’t.

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It’s akin to this:

Yeah, I keep meaning to go to the place to resend my marriage certificate, so I can legally change my last name, to my husband’s but I’m just…too lazy to do it LOL