An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

how? human reviews your report, if its false, nothing happens.

This company though…

Just like the community council was a dog and pony show to suggest increased feedback, this is a message to the woke - “we are creating a safe and inclusive environment, and reducing negative experiences”.

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See above - I just edited it to add the 2004 original rules baring even masked language.

Now, it is possible that your brother was reported for chat in Guild Chat - guild chat is considered “at will” in that people opt in. I don’t know if this will change, but Blizz generally did not action stuff said in guild chat unless it was really really bad. They felt that if you did not like guild chat, you could leave.

Public chats and groups is what they always focused on. Is that maybe what you were thinking?

some was funny when they leaped 5 feet in the air

Kind of weird that you are following around the alts of WoW players and posting their character information on the forums like it’s a big surprise that people post on alts here. Is Trikzi your main and the only character you post under? I highly doubt it.

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I don’t know for the first, because I don’t know you.
For the second I will say it seems odd to me because it is just a word, and a word can have any number of meanings, or even none at all. They’re all just runic scrawl of the mind seeking wanly to express itself to its peers, their meaning ultimately decided by ourselves alone.

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Posting on alts when relevant to a conversation, like posting on your DK when talking about DK stuff is not abnormal. Posting to sock puppet is something the forums don’t control well and people don’t like. They do call it out when they know about it.

I really really really hope we eventually get to post like the other Blizz forums - with the Battletag instead of a million alts.

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Wrong!!! Thinking for yourself is offensive to the masses. Conform to what the woke deems is offensive, or be censored accordingly.


There’s a dude on our realm that was spewing religious, extremely… uuh… well very bad stuff on all kinds of topics with the other being the main driving point… I’ll put it that way. He was around for a solid 2 months before he suddenly went bye bye.

I have a feeling on what happened with that but honestly, should have been dealt with a long time ago.

Anyway going into what you were saying, the dude didn’t curse at all when he went on his rants, but it was the context of his language that was highly offensive.

What? Go ahead and check my characters I am not that person. Why are you accusing me of that. I am just calling out how creepy it is to try to do some kind of forum doxing. Weird stuff.

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Ngl, all of that sounds like white noise at this point. Always advocating, never acting. But at least it makes you feel good.

The fact that you eat up this cooperate talk of more automation without “advocating” for actual humans to moderate bad behavior speaks more than any words you could speak.

Right…just like “stupid”, “moron”, “idiot”, etc., are “just words”. Give me a break :roll_eyes:

If they’re “just words”, there’d be no reason for Blizz to delete posts nor silence us about it.

This is an excuse to be a jerk, and you know it.

Done talking with you. This isn’t going to go, anywhere.

Blocking you, too.

Nothing will change if Blizzard still does nothing if there’s not enough ‘reports’ to meet their threshold.

Plus when they say ‘streamlined’ Blizzard usually means automated, which in my experience is quite poor.

As others have mentioned this also fixes nothing on the forums from what I can tell.

I don’t mind the words, as long as they’re not being directed at others. That’s my stance on it, doesn’t make it OK to use the language against others.

I would hope so, ‘advertising gambling’ isn’t allowed but for some reason it never gets actioned and of course there’s leeway and ways to get around it. People using emotes to say “X won this amount of gold!” is something that I would consider to be advertising the gambling.

Which is a problem itself with Communities and custom created chat channels. Really furthers the entire “selective enforcement” issue.

They aren’t.

so i assume if new players refuse the social contract they will be given the option for a refund right?


I find it equally creepy that somebody would bypass my ignore feature just to harass me.

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Oooh now that’s a good question. Probably not.

For the sake of clarity Blizz needs to add this to the bottom of the social contract :rofl:


Oh please no one is harassing you.


thank you my nose just shout out water