An Eye on Player Behavior and Reporting Improvements

I’m a BC baby, and I can’t remember when the Squelch was implemented. I’ve just seen this system get abused in Vanilla Classic, when Blizz was like “we need this to stop gold spammers, reee” :roll_eyes:

Sorry but reporting feels worthless.

I report all the spam in the LFG, nothing gets done, every day still large amounts of spam.

I report names that are offensive with body parts in them and stuff, nothing ever gets done.

Your system is basically automated and it seems to be worthless. I’ve given up reporting at this point.

Oh yeah, the naming policy is a joke.

EDIT: And, even other players (not everyone) mock me, for taking issue with guild invite addon that spam whispers.

I mean a name like “Bonerott” or “Rottskull” isnt bad. Then again with so many offended they probably think it is…

the spammers had 2 ways to advertise in classic was the bodies and chat in bc i hardly saw the bodies one.
but what is funny the spammers would flag you if you tried to disrupted the website with mounts and other players.

I meant more like private body parts… I see a lot of names with references to those places

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It’s not that I’m offended, it’s just not appropriate. But, I already know the naming policy is a joke.

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Ah. I rarely see anyone on my server. I like to think thats the upside to being low pop lol

There’s a guy on our realm named “hairyrichard” and I giggle everytime I see his name xD


same i would give a funny ha if i saw that


Well i mean explain to me so i can understand how those two names would be inappropriate?

Ok thats hilarious. Lol


It is an npc in wow least one of em is but without the extra T

Interesting. That’s news too me. My father who no longer plays has his undead mage named “Rottskull” rott or skull had always been a bit of a nickname for him lol

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Only one of them stood out, to me:

I can’t even bold it, the automated forum system wouldn’t let me LOL

Take out the last three letters “O”, “T” & “T”.

Ah. So thats what people would get offended by, interesting. Strange though considering bone rott is an actual thing lol

Rest in peace trade chat banter. Dearly will I miss thee in the long and lasting silence to come, and all the fair folk with whom I’d have otherwise jested, and the few I might have in time called friend. And the Devil take what fool said 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Alas for the Freewilly’s of the realm, cut short ere their time had come.

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I don’t doubt it. So is the word, I cannot bold. Doesn’t mean it should be in the name of a character, but that’s just me :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah well. So long as people leave my undead prot warrior alone i should probably be fine with the name.

Oh come on that’s a massive stretch.