An Apology

No, I said people aren’t permission slips. Knowing someone of X demographic that is cool with [Thing] does not invalidate that others in X demographic - or perhaps even Y and Z demographic - aren’t cool with [Thing].

It was a four word phrase for…

checks notes again

Oh right, basic human decency. You countered with “But I have 40,001 permission slips.” Now here we are at 11:32AM EST, with me still standing exactly where I was at 15 days ago when I first chimed in.

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You think you’re being clever but those of us here laughing at you know you’re standing on a wisp of hay and we’re waiting for you to get the hint and kindly shove off

atm i think we are laughing at both of you a bit for arguing this long…


This guy is a massive tool and troll, I don’t think there’s any amount of debate with him when he’s obviously arguing in bad faith

I even acknowledged that in my previous posts. I was challenging the claim that he isn’t funny at all because he uses dicey material. Which just isn’t true.

You’ll be surprised how long I’ll argue with racist transphobes over the internet

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hey fam its your guys free time, im just scrolling look at cool rp stuff and this kept coming up

Your two cents on the issue has been noted

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You can think he’s funny. We can think he’s not. The difference is that makes you a racist transphobe and we’re not.


who are you two even talking about?

People downpunching minority groups they’re not apart of.

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I’m not arguing with him. I’ve already confirmed him as being a troll. I’m having a discussion with Rosewall and we’ve only been discussing for a short while.

i just need to harvest some roleplay backstories here and i’ll be on my way

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yes, but whos the specific comedian that inspired all of this

He talks smack about black people too.

Dave chappelle.

When Dave Chappelle makes fun of Black people, that’s his community. I’d argue if you’re not Black and love those jokes that’s a lil whitehat sus on your part. When he’s making fun of the LGBTQ+ community- he’s being queerphobic. Simple as pie.

Idk why you can’t comprehend that


I’m pretty sure you’ve missed the entire point of his comedy if you’re arguing about the skit that I think you’re arguing about.

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Why would liking Dave Chappelle make someone racist?

I can appreciate the…Zealousness of your intent
but i think its misguided in this sense


Same reason why Chris Rock told a controversial joke once and, to this very day, you still have white people quoting it for very different reasons.