An Apology

Okay forget about whites then. He makes fun of blacks, asians, native americans, indians, hispanics. I could go on. And he has a ton of supporters from all of those aforementioned groups.

I really want to know where Elder Scrolls 6 will be based and how they are going to go into it with the new consoles coming out soon

People are not permission slips.


You don’t need ‘permission’ to do comedy. If it’s not for you, don’t watch it. Calling it ‘unacceptable’ is, ironically, unacceptable to me.


No, you don’t, but you also don’t get to throw up blockades and barriers to other people being upset by going “No it’s comedy” just because hA hA Ha my one [Insert Token to Continue] friend thinks it’s funny.

I don’t know why this is a rough concept for people.


It’s more than just one ‘token friend’. According to rotten tomatoes, 99% of the audience liked his bit, and thats out of over 40,000 reviews.

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Also, since technically more people have asked you to kinda !@#$ off than have supported your argument, does that mean you’re in the wrong by the standard of “more people like…” or does that only work when you’re worked up after snorting some more Joe Rogan podcasts.

Genuinely curious where the goalposts are for at least the next 30 seconds.

Didn’t say it invalidates their feelings. You challenged my supporting evidence for my claim, and I backed it up. Now you’re switching the goalposts and saying our previous exchange was about something else entirely.

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No, I’ve maintained a pretty “basic civil decency” stance for the majority of this thread, just because you interpreted it as something you could counter with a talking point you had pre-prepared that you wanted to sweat out onto the internet has nothing to do with where I stand.


You dismissed my evidence as being just a consensus among my select group of friends. I JUST proved to you where I got my sources. You can’t say it’s anecdotal if I provide the sources for my claims.

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I’m not calling it anecdotal, I’m calling it irrelevant. Whether or not 40,000 people on a heavily and easily manipulated website go “cool stand up bro” had absolutely !@#$-all to do with the whole “Hey people don’t like being marginalized and/or made fun of sometimes.”

I await you using the meta-critic score for Mass Effect: Andromeda or something equally useless in your next rebuttal of “some people like to be treated nice, don’t find funny when not treated nice” as something that needs to be argued against.

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Why would you be mad at them and not RDJ? The makeup guy/girl is just doing their job as the script derails.

i like how classic max toons are higher lvl than retail max characters

You cited it as being just my friends opinions, heavily implying my supporting evidence is anecdotal (I.E. me and my friends find it funny, therefore it’s funny.)

I can cite you as many sources as you want. IMDB 8.5 stars out of 20,000 reviews, Google reviews, 4.8 out of 5 stars.

I understand this isn’t wholly representative of his entire audience and I understand there are people out there who find his material ‘unacceptable’ but it does fly in the face of the earlier claim that he isn’t funny because he uses dicey material.

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some ppl dont like brands of comedy, nothing worth getting into a debate on a wow forum

so really, just be mad at Ben Stiller and Justin

could also make an argument for the artists being enablers

I am so stronk!

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Please shut your hands and stop posting

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For posterity

Shut up vorithal

For posterity