An Apology

To imply I’m not legitimate in my grand standing is a gross misrepresentation of my power

Really? Well in that case this is my last WrA forum post.


Okay? xD

Seeya man, hope you enjoy Shadowlands!

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If they’re anything like me then you see them all the time in game but only in secret alt mode.

Also you did a speech at an event I ran once. The peace rally. It was very nice.


follow me here for really bad posts, dogs, cats, memes, things i like, and video game stuff

follow me here for more of that with the added flair of retweeting friend art

donate to my patreon

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So yeah. I’m kinda hoping some of these bad take posters are at least posting on their main. Be good to know who to avoid in game.

Hey what’s going on in her-

Sweet baby Jesus… how did it get worse?!


I’d say that sketch is still pretty unacceptable. But because he has money he gets away with it. Like RDJ getting away with literal black face cause you guess it, he has money.

Transphobes are evil. Homophobes are evil. Bigots can go leap off a cliff for all I care.


i have gained exactly 0 followers on both

what’s the opposite of STONKS

I’m really impressed on how long this servers forum community can keep threads going! Holy hand grenade, seventeen bloody days. @-@

How do you know it’s all about money? I don’t want to generalize or speak for others, but I’m willing to bet you anything that a good majority of people (including LGBT folks) can take a joke as long is it isn’t overly mean-spirited.

Dave chappelle routinely makes fun of white people but has an overwhelming amount of white fans who love his content because they know how to laugh at themselves in the mirror.

It would be one thing if he was going on stage saying derogatory and insanely hostile things about gays like Eddie Murphy did in his ‘Raw’ comedy special, but I just don’t see that same kind of overt malice/offensiveness.

What about the sketch is unnaceptable exactly? It’s mostly just overexaggerated stereotypes (Again he does this for all races/sexes/religions).

when was this?

I assume the reference is to Tropic Thunder.

MFW I come back to this thread and its longer because outsiders have to swoop in and add their 2 cents to a thread that’s been and done multiple times now and none of the posts are about the glory of Skyrim.


Thats what I figured
the makeup artists did a hella good job on that.

but if anyones gonna be mad about blackface in it then
youd need to be mad at Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux for writing the story, who ever the producers are. as well as the makeup artists for applying it…

business as usual then


I can’t believe I have to point this out, but there is a pretty massive difference between comfortable white people laughing at themselves from a position of power and safety compared to making “trap” jokes about trans people who are routinely harassed, attacked, and even killed for trying to live their lives.


Oh right. I forgot we had made this a much better thread at some point.

Dunno how others feel about the Creation Club but on the topic of de-railing, given the quality of some of the more recent entries I am super pumped by the fact it’s going to be kicking off again over the holidays and they have a whole year of content to drop on my glorious Nord face.

if only you could see who actually played the game from their forum levels after the prepatch update