An Apology

Remember that movement I just mentioned?


Politics is frowned upon in the Forum TOS.

Rarely its enforced.

Feels like an appropriate time to remind folks that a huge part of WoW’s claim to fame, among others, was that it served as a platform for lots of people who’s social acumen was, simply put, lacking and then mashing them together with several million others. The attitudes on display, apologized or hidden or otherwise? A feature, not a bug.

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I like to think it’s due to people being above the need to report.

From my experience in GD (I spend more time there), people do report political posts and Mods kinda restore it. Happened in many occasions. More recently.

That’s unfortunate to hear.

yea, moderation of these forums have been questionable in recent times.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Don’t say bigoted, racist, and homophobic/transphobic stuff or be apart of groups that do so and expect any apology you utter to be accepted without question. That’s not how the world works.

Why even bother making an apology post, only furthering people’s knowledge and awareness that you were (or are) an idiot? How are people supposed to tell your actual intentions making this public apology over text on a forum? I’d dare say a majority of people here had no idea who the hell you were before this post.

Put your head down, accept that you screwed up, and make a difference in bettering yourself somewhere else if you’re actually sorry instead of sticking around and expecting pity from a bunch of nerds. Many of us who were mocked, bullied, and threatened by the very view points that that imgur album showed aren’t going to take your apology as anything but insincere.

So in other words, shove that apology where the sun doesn’t shine and go do something meaningful.


Spreading harmful language and “memes” that literally can lead to trans people being murdered is evil yes.

I’ve never liked Carlin, I saw some of his jokes and quips on lgbt people and assumed he was one of the alt-righters fighting against “political correctness”, am I wrong in that? Considering he actually has quotes where he mocks people with his own version of the word “snowflake” in various forms.

I have been abused and manipulated by evil individuals in my past, I’ve SEEN the abuse done to others, experienced it against myself. Been the victim of attempted grooming, all of it. Good, well adjusted people don’t spread hateful material, and their apologies are pure PR plain and simpleto escape consequences.

If someone commits a crime we don’t just forget about them because “they’ve changed” they still get prosecuted. You don’t stop hunting a murderer because he has only killed one person fifty years ago. When you hurt others, you don’t get to decide you are different, you hurt them, you have a victim, you are evil.


Transphobes and homophobes don’t get to apologize, they get to go screw off somewhere else in a pit and cry about it.

You want to be a bigot and not care about others and accept them? Fine, then I don’t care about you, and I have no desire to accept you.

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Comparing someone who posted a tasteless meme to murderers and other various forms of criminals is hilarious at best. I’d attempt to discuss this further with you but seeing thats the extreme of your viewpoints, I’m going to save my breath and stop while I’m ahead.


You are saying you seen this person advocate for murder?

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Again you are seeing things way too black and white. You can’t form a perception around people because people never remain the same. They change, they grow so someone who did a wrong thing right now doesn’t mean they will always be like this.


The “With us or against us” logic isn’t a very healthy mindset to cling to.


So much this.

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Also this comparison of yours doesn’t make sense with what OP did.

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The “T” word, implies that a trans individual is being deceptive or manipulative just by existing, and proliferates an idea that their simple existence is a threat worth squashing.

So not directly, but indirectly through their actions, that slur can be advocacy for murder and is not acceptable.


Exactly what I was saying. Such an off the wall comparison is just dumbfounded and pretty much discredits all of her other ramblings in my opinion.


I have a feeling that’s her Trauma speaking. I have seen this extreme attitude only from those that experienced bad things and haven’t yet healed from it.

Even as someone who found those memes to be pretty gross and unfunny, I think this is a real stretch.

Upon gazing at a meme that referred to traps (which is a dumb and stupid thing to say imo) nobody suddenly gets the urge to go murder the nearest trans person.

Sadly people who feel that way are ALREADY in that mindset. They’re probably more convinced by alt-right news and whatnot than… stupid unfunny memes.

Again, comparing someone who posted a tasteless meme to a murderer is a pretty bad take.

So you’re suggesting people cannot change? They cannot regret their past viewpoints and reconsider their outlook in life? Because frankly society at large has changed. Many people (older people especially) who are now fierce allies of LGBT people were once opposed to the notion of same sex relationships at all. It was once illegal in most parts of the world. I’ve seen my own family change their viewpoints over time.

The fact is, on an ever-evolving social movement like this, people CAN change. People CAN regret their actions and move on. You don’t need to accept it on a personal basis but suggesting that they are somehow irredeemable for holding certain past beliefs is a very dangerous road to travel.