An Apology

hm. Oh well.

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Hope this doesn’t effect your enjoyment of the game!

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Dude says sorry for offensive meme, why is this 80 plus replies later?


Not all apologies are should be treated as equal, and going with “that’s not who I am anymore” makes it feel less like genuine recompense for insensitivity (something which I think most of us who grew up during those early internet years can sympathize with) than it is a last ditch effort to head off any consequences for what seems to be pretty recent behavior. It’s Public Relations 101 for pretty much any scandal.

For instance,

This is inherently dishonest, because ironic memes or not, no one gets to arbitrarily decide what “represents their views or beliefs”- in the same way that I can’t in good faith claim to be against all violence and then randomly dropkick the nearest person in the face as a goof. I might’ve said the magic words, but my actions in that hypothetical also express my views and beliefs into the world.

Someone might believe deep down in their heart that they don’t believe in those jokes, but in sharing that behavior with the people who do, the difference becomes functionally irrelevant. And the most important part of an apology is owning up to that fact so that genuine, long-term change is possible.


If you knew it was wrong before you wouldn’t have mentioned it. You’re not sorry that you did it, you’re sorry that you got caught.


lol bigotry-infused memes aren’t comedy. Comedy is an art, one of the highest and hardest. Making racist memes isn’t comedy, it’s idiocy.


If I’ve learned anything recently, “no they were saying it / posting it ironically. Freeze peach.” is the minor door prop-open that leads to a post two months later of “Jeez, when did this become an alt-right subreddit?”

I’ve never met anyone who enjoyed a risque comedian who didn’t end up turning out to have some grotesque skeleton in their closet and was enjoying a sliver of their personal beliefs to be “mainstream.” I’ve been making people laugh their asses off for 35 years and it never once required me to resort to cringelord meme humor.


Because you don’t get to apologize and get away scot free. You don’t get to decide you have changed, you don’t get to decide it’s good enough. Posting bigotry, posting hurtful crap, is evil, and people who post it are evil.

You don’t get to say “oh I’m just kidding” and still participate in an inclusive community. It’s like laughing at George Carlin edgy insulting videos then trying to claim you TOTALLY support the LGBT or the poor, or are against facism, if you listen to people with bad takes, if you share bad takes, you reap the consequences of what you sow, and you don’t get second chances.

You ever hear the phrase “people don’t change”? It’s said a lot in relationship circles, if a relationship is failing, and the only thing that can fix it is one partner changing, it is better to end it because people do not change, I’ve been abused, I’ve been mocked and manipulated by people on this server in my past, I’ve seen people who are big names to this DAY who were abusers back in the early days.

And they are doing the SAME things, acting the SAME way.

People don’t change, apologizing and saying “I didn’t mean to hurt anyone” is pure PR and a failed attempt to skirt by consequences for their actions.

Make your bed, now sleep in it.




yeah but like

what’s your RP character’s background?


You can say this about any (and I mean ANY) apology. What would YOU want them to do?

This is complete misanthropic and cynical nonsense…
Evil people? Really? Have you ever actually met an evil person who ACTUALY tries to hurt people? I have and let me tell you, they dont do PR stunts because they dont care.
George Carlin? The comedian? The one my ex boyfriend introduced to me…is anti LBGT? What?
People change all the time, I am not going to guess how old you are but when you get to live as old as I am you will see that as well.

If you dont believe the person is being honest, then you dont. I dont even know the guy or even what he said, but know what else? I dont even think most of these “you’re not sorry!” people do either.


stop shining the light, broe, it burnnssss!

People are evil? Because of something they posted and later apologizing for said post? Good lord go smoke some of the devil’s lettuce and go take a nap. You’re in dire need of it I assure you.

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Constantly amazed at the people who cite Carlin thinking his example was just shouting slurs and punching down.

He’d have thought they were idiots.


Never apologize to ideologues. They are most opposed to diverse opinions despite advocating for it.


Lol no. You are seeing things way too black and white.


“advocating for diverse opinions” doesn’t seem to be part of the definition of “ideologue”.

if you’re referring to some group more specific than “ideologue” then it would help to clearly communicate who you mean.

Groups who place emphasis in inclusiveness.

Our democracy is currently being hijacked by a movement that basically began due to sharing “politically incorrect” memes on imageboards, so you’ll have to excuse us if our tolerance for such things is rather low right now.


For better or worse, I don’t really put a lot of stock in internet apologies; it’s good to make one and I don’t really believe in dismissing someone’s intention solely based on their phrasing unless that phrasing is extremely poor, but we also have to recognize that apologizing is step one of a like, twenty-five step program. What will make or break your sincerity is what you do following this apology; if all you do is say “sorry” and make no other effort to understand why sharing stuff like that is considered wrong, most people won’t put much weight in your apology.

So, in other words, while I’d discourage people from dismissing an apology out of hand, it’s easy to say the right thing when you’ve been called out and everyone is shouting at you. Actual change involves leaving those bigoted spaces and working to teach yourself empathy for minorities.


There is a difference between recognizing and learning from bigotry and submitting to an online dog pile. OP learned a lesson: Don’t share spicy memes on a non dank server.

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