An Apology

Just gonna quote this one more time based purely off of how accurate this is. Just because you dont believe what they’re saying, and thats perfectly fine if you dont. But it doesn’t make it set in stone that its not the case regardless.


Ok ya no, dont dont dont ever accuse someone with something like that ever…


Again posting the link here for folks to get a better perspective


Redemption can’t exist if people aren’t willing to forgive. Some will rather cling to that lump of coal forever. That resentment isn’t healthy to anyone.
Showing forgiveness to OP might let them learn faster than calling hem and advocate for murder.

I would stress more on people to heal from their past rather then sweeping it under rug. Only then they can truly forgive.

The abuse I suffered during my transition, online was horrendous, culminating and extending into real life, where my attempted murderer swore if he ever got another chance at me, I would be dead. I hope and pray that individual never gets a parole hearing or whatever the prison system does to those individuals when they are inside.

That word, and I would appreciate you not using it, though I do not think you meant harm in your usage of it, is a dangerous word. In my mind, it can be worse than other slurs BECAUSE it puts trans individuals in a light that makes them seem like they are being malicious to others, when they are just trying to live their life.

I have strong opinions, I always have and always will, and I will defend the trans community because it’s all I’ve really got. Maybe the crime comparison was out of line IDK am I perfect? not at all but I can’t just stand by and let things that IGHT be harmless, or might just be a gaff go uncalled. Words become action, action becomes law, and law is not always just and right. Yes I’m using a slippery slope analogy that the right LOVES to use, but in certain instances I think it is valid.

Certain words put people on edge because they put groups in a negative light by default, and that makes them feel threatening, and when people feel threatened they attack, and innocent people then end up getting hurt. I was a little coarse, and by my own beliefs that might be my own hypocrisy, but I won’t let bigotry stand without calling it.


I believe someone mentioned about the Dark Triad. I feel this is relevant to this thread.

Let me stop you right there.

Your situation, as awful and horrendous as it sounds, does not make every situation even touching on the subject completely adjacent to yours. So its best to not assume and try to be a bit more open minded with others.

Just because the OP posted something that potentially was either transphobic or homophobic (I cant remember which it was) doesn’t mean that he’s in the mindset of wanting to murder any transitioning/transitioned individual because of your sole experience.


Why do I have the sneaking suspicion all most of the “people change man let it go” posters are also more than likely the ones who’ll get upset if they themselves get swept up in sweeping generalizations as ha ha funny memes.


Well I see where you’re coming from, especially with what you’ve personally suffered. I’m sorry for jumping straight to calling you out without at least trying to understand why your hostility seemed so… intense. I hope you find healing and happiness in who you are. :slight_smile:

I think what OP directly posted was vaguely racist, actually. The transphobic/homophobic stuff appears to have been posted by other people in that guild. At least by what I found when I was sleuthing:

I actually love spicy memes because I am more than just a statistic in identity politics.



Experts say the ‘alt-right’ have stormed mainstream consciousness by using ‘humor’ and ambiguity as tactics to wrong-foot their opponents

Earlier this month, hundreds of “alt-right” protesters at Boston Common in the name of free speech. The protest included far-right grouplets old and new – from the Oath Keepers to the Proud Boys. But there were no swastikas or shaved heads in sight.

Instead, the protest imagery was dominated by ostensibly comedic images, mostly cribbed from forums and social media. It looked a little like an animated version of a favorite “alt-right” message board, 4chan.

Until recently, it would have been hard to imagine the combination of street violence meeting internet memes. But experts say that the “alt-right” have stormed mainstream consciousness by weaponizing irony, and by using humour and ambiguity as tactics to wrong-foot their opponents.

Last week, the Data & Society Institute released a report on the online disinformation and manipulation that is increasingly shaping US politics. The report focused on the way in which far-right actors “spread white supremacist thought, Islamophobia, and misogyny through irony and knowledge of internet culture”.

One the report’s authors, Dr Alice Marwick, says that fascist tropes first merged with irony in the murkier corners of the internet before being adopted by the “alt-right” as a tool. For the new far-right movement, “irony has a strategic function. It allows people to disclaim a real commitment to far-right ideas while still espousing them.”

Marwick says that from the early 2000s, on message boards like 4chan, calculatedly offensive language and imagery have been used to “provoke strong reactions in outsiders”. Calling all users XXXX, or creating memes using gross racial stereotypes, “serves a gate-keeping function, in that it keeps people out of these spaces, many of which are very easy to access”.

Violating the standards of political correctness and the rules of polite interactions “also functions as an act of rebellion” in spaces drenched in adolescent masculinity.

This was played up by Milo Yiannopoulos in an infamous Breitbart explainer last year, in which he insisted that the “alt-right” movement’s circulation of antisemitic imagery was really nothing more than transgressive fun.

“Are they actually bigots?” Yiannopoulos asked rhetorically. “No more than death metal devotees in the 1980s were actually satanists. For them, it’s simply a means to fluster their grandparents.”

What Yiannopoulos left out, according to Marwick, is that these spaces increasingly became attractive to sincere white supremacists. They offered them venues for recruitment, and new methods for popularising their ideas.

In other words, troll culture became a way for fascism to hide in plain sight.

Marwick points to another guide to the “alt-right”, published last on Andrew Anglin’s prominent XXXX site, the Daily Stormer, which credited “troll culture” with bringing about “non-ironic XXXXsm masquerading as ironic XXXXsm”: “Irony allows people to strategically distance themselves from the very real commitment to white supremacist values that many of these forums have.”

It also allows individuals to push boundaries in public, and to back away when they meet resistance. When Richard Spencer led a fascist salute to Donald Trump at his National Policy Insitute conference in the wake of Trump’s win, he said it was done in “a spirit of irony and exuberance”.


This. I wish healing on you too :slight_smile:

Echelon I love you man.


I don’t think letting journalists be your mouth piece is a good idea.


I haven’t figured out what you are missing for the “Enlightened Centrist” r/starterpack but I feel like you’ll land on it shortly.

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You’re gonna need a bigger bait. I avoid social media like the plague.

Haha it was just a spicy meme, bro.

But for the record I think that completes my bingo card.


Ah this thread is finally going places.

A slow burn.


This is a terrible Wojack meme.