An Apology

I don’t know how to explain to you that: yeah


It’s possible to say transphobic or homophobic things without being a transphobe or a homophobe. (Depends on the context). Sounds weird but it’s true. Comedy has always been about pushing the envelope.

Oh my god shut up


For posterity


You shouldn’t say that to me. That’s offensive.

for posterity (selective editing is a bich)

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My guy there’s no context needed lmao


Only 19 posts and like 6 are defending transphobia just shut up

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For posterity



Hey let’s compare one of the most wealthy comedians on Earth to someone posting racist memes, surely their motives and experiences are identical.


it’s big brain time

Every time this thread trundles back to the top I know exactly what the inciting post is going to be. I’m a forum prophet, and these people are pawns in my augury of fate.

This server must be awful to be on with moral police running rampant and being given legitimacy.

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You could always give it a shot. The louder voices only tend to give people heck if they’re gold scammers, mass recruiters, PvP griefers, homophobes, racists, transphobes, or abusers. So as long as you don’t wind up in any of those categories I’m sure you’ll find a great time to be had.

hey welcome to the WrA forums, off-server MG poster. wanna tell me all about your RP character? being from another RP server you should have no problem with that.

It is awful but not because of that

Its possible, but its very rarely the case coming from people who aren’t part of those groups.

Not really, in fact I have been on this server for years now and have never seen the 5 or 6 forum regulars here in game or anywhere other then tumbler ever.

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Lahilahii/Zhiifang what are you talking about you ARE one of the forum regulars lmao