An Apology

Meanwhile, 5 minutes into getting back around on my Alliance main and I am already remembering precisely why I need to mute Alliance trade chat to remain present for more than 10 minutes e.e

Don’t you have a prepatch to enjoy instead of being racist


Yeah haha, jokes have no meaning, they for sure are never used to portray someone’s actual beliefs or how they view other groups of people haha no sir


I love George Carlin, but I also love Eddie Izzard… I love Gabriel Iglesias, Lewis Black, Stephen Colbert, John Stewart, John Oliver, and occasionally Jeff Dunham. What does this say about my taste in Stand Up/Comedy?


I respected your taste until you said Jeff Dunham.

Dude was never funny even before all of this.

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That’s cool. Comedy is very subjective, and I can appreciate different tastes. Did you not like something he said, or just never found him funny? I’m just curious.

Isn’t that the point?

A lot of comedians poke fun at stuff you’re normally not allowed to poke fun of in a public setting. You see this all the time with Bill Burr, Dave Chapelle, etc

Doesn’t mean there is malice behind their words.

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Why do people keep bumping this thread? Let it die.

he says, bumpingly

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Just terribly unfunny to me.

Something about relying on puppets to do stupid gags that really felt forced did nothing for me.

Gotcha. I was just wonderin’.

Yeah I never found him all that funny myself. It’s sorta my parent’s boomer teir stuff for me. They love him and like Jeff Foxworthy and I kinda just see that as retiree humor. I like the other guys on the list though. My favorites are Jim Norton, the late Patrice O’Neal, Dave Chappell and Jim Gaffigan

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Racist Panda aside. We ain’t got jack to customize. I got 3 new hairs, only one is good, and two blueberry fur tones. It’s a sad day for Pandaren.


I used to like Mitch Hedburg, I still do, but I used to, too.


Saying the “N” word or a transphobic slur with zero setup and no real punchline to speak of isn’t even a joke.


You can be funny without being offensive. If you can’t, you’re not funny. Get another job where you don’t have to be a transphobe or racist.


There is 100% malice behind the words, without a doubt.

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You can also be edgy without being overtly offensive to -only- marginalized groups.

To what degree? As I’ve said, Dave Chapelle did a sketch in his last netflix comedy bit where he poked fun at the LGBT movement seen here:

(Sorry for poor quality. Best I could fine.)

Are we to assume he is a transphobe? That would be hard to prove given that he has a history of supporting the LGBT movement. And is a registered democrat.

You also say ‘can’t be funny without being offensive’, but you’d have a hard time peddling the narrative that he isn’t funny when all of his content gets insane like ratios (99% likes) and nothing but positive comments on his videos.

You’re right. I’m fine with offensiveness but only if it’s offensive to oppressors.