An Apology

Maybe the real apology was the friends we made along the way.


forte, annexious and varsity snacks are all different people


I heard if you say his name 3 times in a mirror he will appear with unsolicited guild invites! :scream:


make sure to pay his guild membership fees :stuck_out_tongue:

The… horror… :dizzy_face:

Speaking of unsolicited guild invites…

I must have done something wrong because the universe is now bombarding my Horde characters with guild invites to a certain multi-server “Emp*re” guild.


And that’s why all of my characters are in a guild, whether its a guild I play in, a guild for storing alts, or a bank alt guild. …And that all my characters have “Disable Guild Invites” checked for good measure.

…I still shudder at one of the guild recruitment messages I got… Three whole paragraphs of “OwO *notices <something>* UwU” ERP nonsense when vulpera were the hip new thing that everyone rolled on the server. :x I was playing on a tauren!

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I have alts that I leave unguilded just hoping for someone to random invite me to a spicy guild… most interesting hook I’ve gotten thus far was a cthulhu old god reference. I am still waiting…


I just auto-decline. But there was a time, long ago, where I’d get one of those blanket invites, join and immediately check the Guild Bank access status.

I’d like to say I did always mail Guild Bank contents back to the person who invited me…after a day had passed.

Are those guys like Sh*dow Syndicate?

I join and start screaming in guild chat until I’m kicked out.

I normally just pop in, let them know that spam invite guilds are terrible, and leave. The gbank thing is good though. Maybe next time I’ll try to come up with a creative way to troll them.

“Trap” is a slur, I can confirm that.

I just realized how old this thread is lol

It seems like only yesterday that it was created. They grow up so fast

Define hate speech. Far as I’m concerned, you’re all just whining because someone poked fun, and your skin’s as thick as birchbark.

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but have you seen the imgur album

A joke, is a joke.

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Racist/transphobic/homophobic jokes are still racist/transphobic/homophobic.


Reading this thread is like trying to read through KGB documents, posts are missing or gone, context is lost, I’m confused and hungry.