An Apology

Hush Velveeta.

You’re full of bad takes and taste like plastic.


Yes. Because that imgur album reads more like 4chan garbage than anything attempting to be funny.


Then let them enjoy it.


EDIT: Slightly more elaborated, people that act like this on the server can go find some PvP dudebro or hardcore progression server instead of existing on ours.

Better yet, find another MMO.

BETTER YET, find some brains.


No, I say they’re welcome here.

No, I say they’re welcome here.

No, they have brains, they just offend you.

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Here’s a list of all the times and places that stuff in the screenshots are acceptable:


Cool. I don’t have a problem with it.

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That doesn’t mean other people won’t or wouldn’t.


Then they just have to deal with it, huh?


I’m sure that’s very easy for you to say online over the internet behind a keyboard and not face to face with anyone these jokes harm or express hostility to.

You recently race change from an orc rogue or something?


You guys have different takes on what good comedy is and you’re not going to get anywhere bashing your viewpoints relentlessly against the other. Why turn somebody’s apologies for something they personally partook in, and personally felt was inappropriate, into a debate on what kinds of joking is “allowed”. Neither of you has the power to decide that - it’s going to differ from community to community.

At the end of the day, OP felt their humour was inappropriate and apologised for it. That’s all that happened here. No need to cause a scene LOL


Yeah, pity that, huh?


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Fair enough. I’ll stop.


Sarestha I agree with you very often but I think you might want to look at the screenshots again. Jokes usually have a setup and punchline. Just puking 4chan equivalent garbage either ad nauseum or at complete random for shock jock value isn’t a joke when it’s stuff that’s been harmful to certain groups of people for years.

I’m also gonna throw out now that in retrospect if that imgur album is related to what Ruinala’s coming forth about, I will apologize for sounding like a bitter pissant but also then this doesn’t sit 100% with me either -

Some of the Discord timestamps are just like. All of two months ago.


Like I said. It’s suspicious. no matter what ones stance is, someone went into a server with that type of atmosphere, stuck around screenshotting things, and made it public.

It’s obviously premeditated in an attempt to “cancel” ruinala (Although I think the reasons aren’t justified). Someone likely has a vendetta or a personal interest in it.


Sure, and if you want my personal opinion I lean more on your side. I think most of the things in that imgur album are horrendous and would certainly not be what I’m comfortable with in a discord community. There was generally racist and homophobic stuff, in addition to bullying an RPer.

I just don’t see the point of getting into a 500 post debate about on this thread when ultimately OP felt bad for what they posted (theirs being one of the less offensive memes in that compilation, frankly) and apologised. I mainly don’t understand why someone would say “but it’s okay you shouldn’t be sorry”, because like… they are. That’s what matters. OP has said sorry for their role in it. I think that’s pretty cool and I sorta don’t want to sully her thread with pointless debate. Was it wrong? Well clearly she at least thought so. And she apologised. So my thinking is it’s best to leave it at that.

So my comment was more or less “Valveva, shh. Liotuse, stop egging him on.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Eh, I’m always here if he wants a brick wall to talk to.

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Sorry but whether or not it’s a vendetta or something with personal stakes, this is the kind of dirty laundry that should be aired and people should be worried about because these are people you share a community with.

If this was something multiple years in the past and the person’s proven they’ve changed for the better, different entirely. Would absolutely be an eyeroll if someone was going “but they said XYZ in the past” and the person they’re trying to “”""""“cancel”"""""" is actually fine now.

I was going to stay a bit steamed and ask “why is it just a lean” but -

Yeah, I whip out the keyboard pretty quickly and impulsively. I just still prefer making a stink about things until the source of the stink (surprisingly not me, but the people that are racist/homophobic/transphobic/whatever bigotry AND the people that go “no lol it’s fine”) is cornered and either quashed through official moderation (on the forums or in-game) or they’re chased off the server (and sometimes game entirely, thank god but also that usually means them preying on other more unaware people in different MMOs).

End of the day I would still rather point and condemn something than just let it pass by.


Ha ha, oh, then you’d absolutely LOVE me.


And at the end of the day, you still haven’t changed me, the way I think, or my stances. You’ve only given yourself a nice little pat on the back.

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That says a lot more about you and it’s kind of sad.

I’m gonna chill elsewhere though. Good luck on developing empathy for other humans.