An Apology

its fair to always assume, if the people who live on the forums are against you, you’re probably not even half as bad as they portray you.

If you give ground to hate speech and those that speak it; they will only take more.


Ok horde army


I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean…

We do, and that’s all you need to know


Who is we lmao

Literally anyone else

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Damn, I kinda don’t care

This is my favorite thread on this forum I hope it never ends

can we have this framed somewhere? or pinned at the top of the forums?


We had literally no idea that this guy existed until he decided to prostrate himself before us because his guild told him to.

It’s weird to me that drive-by forum posters all have this shared delusion that the forum regulars are a bunch of ess-jay-dubyoos who go out of our way to get mad at everything, when in reality - as demonstrated by this thread - when left unmolested we almost always devolve into talking about Skyrim or pizza or remodeling our patios or whatever.


I literally never accused you guys of anything other than being annoying.

If you’re looking for better venues to get mad about people getting mad about stuff, r/wow is waiting for you.

Good. Suffer as G did.

Don’t worry, it shows.


This is a mighty truth.

A lot of forum dwellers are pretty nice in game, actually.

I’m mostly referring to myself but I’m sure there are others.


I’ve never seen you,so I think its fair to assume you’re rather nice but whenever I open the forums its the same 4-8 suspects who just don’t stop talking and winging.

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Sure is a shame the same 4-8 people are in this thread saying “bigoted remarks are gross and so is trying to excuse them”.

Sorry to have bothered you, my liege.


You can just say forum cabal it’s easier

Notice how random low-level posters only come out of the woodwork when we make someone else mad.