An Apology

I do love how folks go on and on about ‘the Forum Cabal’, but nobody ever talks about the same dribbling faucets that summon us to each and every thread with racism, homophobia and toxic takes?

WoW has always been political. It is just now using politics you don’t like to move the story forwards.

WoW is officially the same as the D&D universes, where everybody is DTF, regardless of gender. Homophobes be gone.

drops mic, walks out


No one cares if you don’t like the way someone is conveying a message.


They seem to care enough to fight for hours on end. Lets start a conversation about why you care enough to comment about my caring about how they go about their preaching.

I care what tops has to say.


Also I never fight. I just instigate. Usually I’m playing Pokémon when I troll on the forums. Or like rewatching lost so it makes sense.

I still don’t get it

Literally all we do in this entire forum is talk about video games and hypothetical plot developments until people we’ve never heard of swoop in to save us by being randomly belligerent.

Why is it that no one who has Hot Takes about the state of the forums ever seems to read the forums?


I do read the forums, often. I don’t engage often myself because I like to read and go about my day. But, lately, in every thread that gets political it’s the same people saying the same things over and over again and each time all I can do is roll my eyes increasingly more and more as I take in their behaviors more than their messages. It’s what’s actually spurned me to say something.

You see there are these numbers and there’s a hatch with a button and also a dog and it’s not Penny’s boat. What’s hard to understand?

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We get it. You don’t like when people advocate for marginalized groups or stand up for themselves. If you wanna be a bigot so badly just come out and do it. We are so close to 1000

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The part about the polar bears mostly

That’s weird, because I also read the forums basically every day, so I know that the front page currently consists of:

  • 60% recruitment threads,
  • Three or four event threads,
  • A hypothetical insult thread,
  • A tech support thread,
  • A dedicated headcanon thread,
  • and like three lounge threads.

…none of which are even like, mildly political.

There are a lot of common sense things that are met with impatience when others don’t seem to understand or rebel against the principle idea.

Wearing masks in public right now is a good example.

Another is bigotry- racism and homophobia are unacceptable here yet whenever that sentiment is expressed, someone takes issue with it. These forums have been fighting that fight for years. As long as I have been here, over ten years now, progressive opinions have been points of contention.

I don’t often wave the flag myself, but for others here who have tried to convince dissidents through tactful means, it isn’t uncommon that they don’t find success. So, in short, we are beyond the tactful approach and that is why no one cares about how the message is conveyed.


I browse more than just WRA to make that clear. So it was hyperbolic in that sense. I forget sometimes that I’m in a subforum.

See, this is why I liked your comment. I see you around a lot and I think you’re a level-headed and genuinely good individual and you are right, there are people who are lame for lack of the appropriate word I want to use but is sensored, and cause a curmuffin over this, but my general dislike of all of this, particularly this thread getting close to a thousand replies, is the behavior and attitude of the people who’ve been involved this entire time. That is what I have a problem with.

Then just leave and stop reading lol. Whatever ulterior motive you have and how you actually feel will only cause you pain

Someday, I will have the time and energy to add a Krenk Thread to that list …


So we’re annoying for making every thread political, except we don’t actually do that, but for some reason we still have to answer for other people doing it anyway, because.

I feel like I’m caught up now.

My group for UBRS in Classic fell apart so now I’m leveling my shaman what spec do I go

You know what I unironically miss? Those, like, choose-your-own-adventure roleplay threads that a couple people used to do.

Those were fun. We need more of those.

Guys what spec do I make my shaman