An Apology

Hello everyone


Hello, fellow gamer. Might you share with us your opinion of the latest creation of Todderick Howard, The Elder Scrolls: Arena?

I don’t know what that is so my opinion is that I don’t like it

It’ll probably be ok. Maybe they’ll update the engine.

If you give ground to the mob; they will only take more. Words are words, say as you like; if anyone wishes to take offence, let them. Most of us are too old to start crying over spilt milk.

Most of us.


Whoops, guess I was appearing as the wrong character when I put this. Bigmankeith is an old alt.

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it’s a move by microsoft to consolidate power over the AAA gaming sphere. they have absorbed several high-value IP as well as bethesda, and overall is akin to disney absorbing fox. i don’t think it’s a good thing at all, as it’s a step in that direction and yes i’m aware of tencent and my opinion of them is identical.

but! i do want an elder scrolls 6 and i am a despicable worm made of other, smaller worms, so i am at the very least potentially looking forward to that

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If it hurries Elder Scrolls 6 the heck up, I’m okay with Microsoft taking over. Let’s be honest, Bethesda hasn’t been exactly up to scratch of late anyway.


I will admit that being old enough to remember how Microsoft was forced to break apart in the 90s because it became too large and now it’s swallowed a frightening amount of Triple AAA game studios in a single gulp with barely a quiver is quite baffling.

If you’d told me growing up watching Robocop, Alien, The Running Man, Total Recall, and Blade Runner that that was the accurate representation of the future, I’d have called you a liar.


Wow, I wonder why the free market can’t just self-regulate away all these huge software monopolies?

Instead the big bad government has to come interfere like some kind of socialists!

Why can’t the invisible hand of competition, supply and demand stop microsoft and tencent from swallowing the entire game industry like two enormous sharks?

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the FREE MARKET (praise be) will save us.

what’s that??? the FREE MARKET (praise me) is failing? i guess it’s cause the MARKET isn’t FREE enough. let’s make it EVEN FREER!!!


this was the correct response

I’m very upset this thread happened in its entirety while I was suspended

I mean, being honest I trust Microsoft swallowing the game industry more than I trust EA swallowing the game industry. So in that respect the invisible hand of competition is working…because the alternative is such hot garbage that it took Disney threatening to pull the Star Wars license for them to stop their crappy cash grab practices.

  1. I mean you’re 854 posts too late because “ground was given” from square one with the OP apologizing.
  1. Oh right I forgot that once you hit a magical arbitrary number, racism/homophobia/transphobia stops existing in language.

  2. Thanks for the post that’s the equivalent of warm beer and cold pizza. In return, I offer you this.

You were 100% right, and its only the frothing at the mouth forum dwellers who care, and in game, no one likes them anyway because they’re annoying.


You know how I can tell you’re not familiar with the server?

I’ve been here for years. You’re one of those frothing at the mouth forum dwellers I’m speaking of. You spend way too much time here, you’re in every thread and you’re annoying as hell. Relax. I don’t even know what the guy did, I did not bother to read but the mob stuff gets old fast.

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This is an interesting thread.

Lol this guy…

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