An Apology

And then the Argonians looked at each other and went “You know what?” and marched North to push Morrowind’s stuff in for the centuries of slavery at the hands of the Dunmer.

It’s nice to see the Argonians got properly aggressive.


Argonians are odd like that, effectively aliens connected to an equally alien interloper pseudo-diety spaceship in the form of the Hist trees, that could always have basically conquered or brought about the end of the world if they wanted to at any time and they just… didn’t. Not only did they not, but they endured millennia of abuse in many forms across many dynasties.

Then the Oblivion gates opened up, and as Thokk said, they launched a counter-invasion into Hell so intense Hell went “Oh !@#$, close the door” while it still could.

Then after their bloody vengeance went “Ok” and went back to being fishermen, dock workers, and right back into being mistreated and misunderstood.


It even happens in third person.

I’ve tried every other way to get it to stop and every method just proved futile.

It’s funny how one starts at the top of this thread and then goes all the way down to the bottom and we’re talking about Argonians. Just remember that Argonians are property.

There’s a reason the Dark Brotherhood valued Argonian Shadowscales so highly.

I find it very interesting that apparently since the Invasion of Hell, Sithis has been denied the Shadowscales entirely. Though I can’t remember if that was simply just Astrid being Terrible at Her Job again, or something more.

My favorite bit of Elder Scrolls lore is the fact that Orcs are basically poop elves.


With the Dark Brotherhood declining, the Shadowscales are functionally extinct, as an order. This is confirmed by Veezara himself, the last remaining trained Shadowscale.

Edit --> It’s also confirmed in Cicero’s journal - he wrote about Alisanne Dupre, a previous Listener in Cyrodiil, and a Khajiit Speaker named Rasha and how they considered restarting a Shadowscale training facility, but did not due to resources.

MULTI-EDIT --> I also wanted to clarify that by decline, I mean the Dark Brotherhood themselves are almost gone. What you find in Skyrim is it - that’s the last of the Dark Brotherhood, and you yourself can spell their doom if you so please. Cicero was one of the only two remaining assassin’s outside Skyrim, the other being an Orc named Garnag, though it’s unclear if he’s still alive or not.

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Skyrim Blizzard Forum Addition coming soon to PC.

Which honestly is incredibly welcome. I like the fact you can straight up slaughter Astrid and then flush out the rest of the Brotherhood. Though it’s worth pointing out the Vampire Girl is always missing (Due to not being able to combat children for obvious reasons that are complained about by creepy and gross “fans”), so Bethesda does give themselves an out to bring them back going forward.


So how excellent/terrible do y’all think it is that Microsoft owns Bethesda now?

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Kind of along the lines of one Sith Lord replacing another one.

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I think overall, it’s a good thing.

For starters, I expect we’re actually going to start seeing some forward progression on The Elder Scrolls VI. The acquisition took me by surprise really, but then I realized that for as successful as Zenimax was as a publisher via DOOM, Wolfenstein, and porting Skyrim to Texas Instrument Calculators…they made a huge amount of critical missteps.

The Bethesda Launcher. The Creation Club. Elder Scrolls Legends. Fallout 76 and the pages and pages of misteps contained there in.

There’s also the fact Bethesda announced two major titles two years ago - Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI - and we’ve heard nothing about either since. Heck, Fallout 4 is Five Years Old.

For all the publishing success of Zenimax Media, when looked at objectively Bethesda has been a monetary black hole for the conglomerate for half a decade. As for 2018, the company employed 400 people. That’s paying 400 employees with effectively a five year lull between releases. Because 76 is a losing proposition even with their cash shop and Wastelanders soft reboot. Between regular server maintenance and the constant bug/exploit fixes, to say nothing of the lawsuits arising from their shoddy preorder bonuses, there’s no way 76 hasn’t been a catastrophic failure in every sense of the term. Bethesda fundamentally damaged their branding with it.

So overall, I think Microsoft’s acquisition might be good in the long run. Not so good for Starfield though. I fully expect news of that game’s cancellation by early next year. Bethesda needs a sure fire hit on their hands and I hate saying it but Obsidian beat them to the punch in that regard with The Outer Worlds. And the last thing Bethesda needs right now is a completely new IP after the disaster of Fallout 76. So Starfield’s getting canned and The Elder Scrolls VI goes on a clock. Captain Crunch visits the Bethesda studios which is going to suck but when you drop $7 Billion, you’re inevitably going to want to start seeing revenue generation as quickly as possible.

I also fully expect Todd Howard to quietly fade into the background, or possibly be retired outright.

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i am not only racist but homophobic as well

I still enjoy 76 in spite of everything. :neutral_face:

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You’re supposed to quote the person first before you do that, Balghur.

Otherwise say syke.


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Abort, abort, do not engage!

And you are 100% allowed to like what you want. I’m one of those who views Fallout 3 as the pinnacle of the franchise and New Vegas is vastly overhyped (It’s an impressive achievement for 18 months of work, but too many seem to gloss over the fact Obsidian cribbed a good 75% of the story from Interplay’s own scrapped Fallout 3).

3 is my favorite of the single player as well. I didn’t play New Vegas until many many years later. I have alot of fun in 76 but I don’t play it consecutively. Log in play about a month then stop for a while. Mostly there’s not alot of content outside of the main story, I hope, hope, this new Microsoft deal really gives some needed attention to 76, I honestly believe there is a good game there, just buried deep deep deeeeep in some bad decisions. Kinda like WoW! :exploding_head:

Also 76 is a FO game I can play with my wife. That’s a huge incentive for us, we love co-op and multiplayer games we can run through together.

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Honest question, has 76 dealt with the weird server-end lag yet? I gave it a shot a while ago and despite running the highest tier Internet provided in my area, I kept encountering wicked lag spikes (Best way to describe it is playing a MMO through a 56k modem) and every interaction had like a second and a half delay between button input and action on screen.

That more than anything is what put me off 76 personally.

I have heard some people talk about the lag but it’s something we never encountered so unfortunately I couldn’t say. I have not been on in a few months so I don’t know. I have been meaning to check out the new progression system. Bugs are unfortunately one of the big detractors and alot of the anger is legitimate. We ran into a fair share, we stopped playing for a while because of them, though our last lengthy play though after Wastelanders released was very smooth.