An Apology

diamonds discord is forever.

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So long as you don’t have bodies in your basement or lob molotov cocktails, there’s no need to apologize bud lol. You’re fine.

Edit: Or did Ethan Ralph-tier stuff. I doubt that though lol.

You’re not my supervisor! Lights Molotov

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Wait, there’s cream soda in that bottle!

I’m ok with this.

And that’s how they invented creme brulee.


lmao, this is so blown out of proportion

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Do we even know what “this” is?

Like, actually?

I know I do

Based on (now moderated) posts that were in the thread, apparently the use of “trap” in a transphobic way via a meme?

That’s all I got from the two orcposters prior to deletions.


My guess is that it has something to do with this, which was posted in spine of deathwing

From what I can see, what OP personally did was post a meme about that displayed a bunch of African people, and said “Ever tried African food? Neither have they.” The Trap posts were also present though not, as far as I can tell, posted by OP

So he had some irreverent humor in a discord where irreverent humor is allowed. I’m looking hard to see where the problem is.

They’re allowed to apologise if they feel they did the wrong thing, mate. They don’t really need us to judge whether or not they NEED to. They simply did. What’s the point of debating whether or not they SHOULD have?


Fair enough. IMHO, they don’t need to apologize. someone spent a lot of time compiling all of that, which makes me think it was more personal than anything.

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Just scrolled through it.

Good. None of it’s funny.


to you. You just have different tastes than them.

Tastes that don’t rely on racism, homophobia, or transphobia.

So good tastes.


You aren’t familiar with George Carlin, are you.


siri how do i convey to Vavelva that i own a George Carlin DVD and two CDs send tweet


Then surely you understand that comedy is a rubber-tipped sword. Nothing is off the table, but it can be in bad taste. A taste that you don’t share interest in is all.