An Apology

Oh wait. I know how to trigger people to get us to 1k posts.

Trolls deserve to finally have nice things happen to them storywise in WoW and not have them undone by ‘muh orc pain’ and trash mobs in a cinematic.

The only really important thing I lost by choosing the Empire over the Imperials… is the ability to marry Ralof and have it make any form of sense. :frowning:

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This has gained 700 posts in 2 days what the HECK ya’ll


Shay do you prefer Empire or Stormcloaks? This is a Skyrim thread now

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I think it’s a LOT of people’s first introduction to the series and admittedly the first time you’re seconds away from being killed but otherwise I always scratch my head at the people who go “BECAUSE THEY LOCKED ME UP” for why they loathe the Empire, because you start as a prisoner in every game except Daggerfall (and one could argue Privateer’s Hold has the same effect), three times as a prisoner of the Empire.

I agree but it’s hard to divorce oneself from the “meta” that we have access to when thinking of things like these. The Summerset Isles has never been conquered by outside forces, there’s no telling how many more reinforcements the Dominion had, and political treatise are being brewed by the Thalmor. Titus Mede II did what he thought was right and it just happened to be the best-worst-choice anyone could make.

I think people accuse him of just wanting to hold onto his throne too much, I genuinely think he wanted an end to the violence and knew it wouldn’t be the first time Man went “Haha, GOTCHA!” to Mer. The Emperors - all of them, not just the Septim line - also tend to be uniquely gifted by mysticism and visions shortly before or during their reigns, he probably knew eventually a Hero would be introduced to the kalpa.

The Dark Brotherhood quest (no spoilers on a 9 year old game yolo) kind of lends itself to that sort of imperious sixth sense regarding fate and the future of Tamriel.

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a careful, long-term breeding program set in place generations ago below the streets of Silvermoon City aims to distill the mightiest of terrible viewpoints and the most standardized talking points into an individual. so far it has only had basic success - the earliest examples include aforementioned breeder discourse RPers.

We call it Project CHUD. sometimes we make a worgen by accident though. morcs were just naturals i guess.

it’s pretty difficult when he keeps weaseling into different servers and games, but fortunately he tends to be unable to hold himself in for very long and his behaviors out him pretty quickly


“Hey you, you’re finally awake.”

I’m playing by your rules. I said prove me wrong therefore you have to.

Guys can you please stop derailing this Skryim thread? Rude.

Yeah and look while they’d managed to (barely) reclaim it, the Imperial City had just been sacked. The Empire needed time to regroup and continuing the war was not going to work out for them. At least not for the prosperity of the people.


Well, I can prove the left is for sure.
But it won’t let me post links.
Try that headline I guess.

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You can post links at any trust level by putting a ` either side of the link. Like so

But it better be a link about Skyrim. :face_with_monocle:


No, and almost immediately they went “Oops” to a lot of the tenets of the Concordat. Talos worship outlawed? Sure we’ll get around to it by not actually cracking down on it. Hammerfell ceded? Sure but these Legion Irregulars just happened to be discharged and show up there to kick your pointy eared butts back out.

Combine that with radical dissent in the Summerset Isles, Valenwood, and Elsweyr and they were on track for a very short lived “occupation.”

And then. Ulfric.

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Vivec is pretty sweet I mean who else looks like a Dunmer and a Chimer at the SAME TIME.

But I don’t hear anyone singing songs about Vivec being a hero, a hero who claims a warrior’s heart!

Nobody tells you the Vivec comes!

no because i like ESO better

but i will digress to say the only reason to side with the stormcloaks is the opening 15 minutes of the game because they’re colossal racist dickheads. this is speaking as someone who fell for that trap on the first playthrough because i played a nord and amazingly no one was racist to me so i didn’t notice anything. wild.

dude, ESO was awesome! Chill community. I also have to say that when I reentered Morrowind, I got hit with nostalgia like never before. That was my first Elder scrolls game, Morrowind.

Yeeeeah in a way the Thalmor patrolling Skyrim is more Ulfric’s fault than anyone’s. Alvor explains that well if you go with Hadvar at the start. Everyone had their own little shrine to Talos until Ulfric started stirring up trouble.

I like ESO a lot but slightly less :stuck_out_tongue: I think purely because of how alive the world of Skyrim feels. With NPCs having their own lives and routines. ESO has far too many High King Emerics at different places and different stages of time LOL. Good game though.

Nord privilege

Honestly Stormcloaks would’ve been way cooler had they been less racist. I guess that nationalistic outlook isn’t entirely unrealistic though because… well we see it a lot today. I just enjoy opposing them and beating them up :stuck_out_tongue:

My major problem with the Stormcloaks, Ulfric aside, is that they have no actual “soul.” What I mean by that is due to desperation for troops leads to you not really being particularly hard-line about your tenets, needs, goals, and expected behavior, just sweeping up everything into “Pick up an axe and fight for Skyrim!”

The Stormcloaks could have had unparalleled spirit, heart, nobility, and gone unchallenged as a sympathetic force but instead were stuffed to the gills with the extremes everywhere from “savage knightly hero” to “I’m just here to kill all the not-my-people” and it ends up being a !@#$ing mess.

You can say anything you want about the Stormcloaks and by their very nature it will be true, and this speaks even more to the fact they seem like little more the blood to be spilled for Ulfric’s needs, not Skyrim’s and not her people.

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In the spirit of the thread’s title I have an apology to make.

Stormcloaks I am sorry that you suck

The Empire is probably gonna try and kick out the Thalmor, eventually, and when they do, it’d be good to have Skyrim on their side.

Also the Stormcloaks have like, the worst city.

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