An Apology

Then it appears pandora’s box cannot be sealed and we are all doomed.

Fat RIP tbh

Doom music starts playing.


Empire > Stormcloaks.

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Ulfric was a high elf agent sent to cause instability to weaken Skyrim for its inevitable conquest.

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You’re supposed to argue with me not support me. How will we get to 1,000.

I’m on it.

Alliance needs to be villain batted for the health of the game and it needs to be Genn and the worgen with the dwarves leading the resistance against Boomer Turalyon so two races lacking in screen time get some.

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You’re supposed to provide a contentious stance, are you new to inflammatory Gamer™ comments.

It’s all a Thalmor plot! The Empire is our only hope!

Let’s just all quit WoW and go play Skyrim Together and beat up dumb Ulfric to make us feel better.


I did a Stormcloak win one time and when they tell Ulfric that he’s playing right into what the Thalmor want and then he goes “I know” and Galmar is like “Doesn’t matter, we win” then the two strut off not talking about what needs to be done to re-stabilize anything but just that he’s totally gonna be High King now I felt absolutely !@#$ing filthy.


your 2k post is an image of Doom Guy.

Quite fitting.

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At least my ancestors are smiling upon me, can you say the same Imperial?

P.S. Skyrim belongs to the Nords.

The right IS inherently a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic bigots.

Prove me wrong.

Corrected it for you.

First time I played I had no concept of the lore really (it was the first Elder Scrolls game I played) and I was like "Oh no look at this evil empire imposing its will on these poor people who just want independence. :frowning: " and I was like super keen to commit myself to the Stormcloak cause. To the point that I took Ralof’s advice and went to Windhelm pretty much as soon as I could.

I came to regret that pretty quickly. :sob:

When I actually learned more lore and understood it… well let’s just say I’m a huge Empire supporter now. Being a big Roman History fan IRL doesn’t hurt either. :wink:

Granted I think the Empire conceded a bit TOO much to the Thalmor. The Justicars wiping out Talos Worshippers is pretty gross. Abandoning Hammerfell would also not have gone down well (though I did find out that several “retired” Legion veterans went and fought in Hammerfell after the war - making its abandonment purely political) But it bought them time, which they sorely needed.

So my recurring Skyrim main, an Imperial from Bruma, is keen to protect and shield Talos worshippers and so forth but definitely thinks the Empire is the best path for Skyrim’s future.

I also destroy the Dark Brotherhood literally every playthrough except one because DAMN did that make me feel gross.

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Well, how did ya prove it right in the first place?

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:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

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What an unfortunate typo, but don’t worry, I fixed it!

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:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

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As a supporter of the Stormcloaks I am dutybound to ignore the machinations of the Thalmor and the fact that we play right into the tricksey elves-ses hands in my pursuit of the title of High King.

That and the Stormcloaks have cooler armor.

But in the end, my loyalty is to my dog, I’ve killed dragons for that thing.