An Apology

The days of the Burning Crusade and the “No, you need to be repopulating” ‘noblemen’ will never not help itself to space in my head whenever one of them goes on a real tear.


I’ll just say that, technically, all lives can’t matter until you accept that black lives matter. Otherwise, all lives matters doesn’t mean what you say it means.

A thing I never truly understood. All Lives Matters folks should be chanting Black Lives Matter too if they feel the way they do about all lives. Why get upset about it other than through petulant outlooks?

Not really trying to argue with you, by the way, mostly just me rambling considering this is the first post I am actually replying to you in.


Set aside a large portion of time. I like the movie unironically, but it’s long. Like, two VHS long.

You also can’t argue that you never cared about Black Lives until you slapped the B word on there.

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That’s not really my point, though.

I was mostly saying it feels redundant to say All Lives Matters when that’s obvious, whereas Black Lives Matters isn’t really a statement so much as it is a movement.

Well damn. Im gonna have to go. T’was fun everyone! Have a good evening.

Sorry to leave you to the wolves (Hah, a pun) Echelon, I got to split some wood and bring it up. Also, take care wolf.

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Imagine having to deflect from a valid point to try and get the last laugh.

* shudders *

No one likes gnomes…

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I can understand that. There is a difference between people who Value Black lives and those that use BLM as an organization for political means.

I take offense to that.

Buckle up.

Is gamer time over yet?

I think so.

i’m going to go get mcdonalds my old bones got achey in this thread

All I’m reading from this is to avoid Annexious, and that is absolutely true.

I think we can all read between the lines here.

All Jobs Matter

i look away for 1 minute and we’re at 700 posts

stay frosty wra

also stop being chuds


This is STILL going on?


I checked this like 12 hours ago, came home from work to 602 new messages.


Wait wait wait wait – isn’t NPC used as a synonym for “white knight” on WoW forums?

And “alt-right” was created by white nationalists to try and distance themselves from their 1930s/1940s forerunners.

This has veered way off topic at this point. OP, I’d highly suggest just deleting this thread honestly. It was big of you to admit you did something wrong and apologize. Show you mean it now by changing your behavior and learning from those wrongs.

In the meantime, this thread really should go.


I tried deleting it. It won’t let me. Unless I’m just a smooth brain.

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