An Apology

I love it when you flatter me with compliments. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, Imma go drink a cream soda and play some FFXIV.


Man, I like you and all, but you really do have a habit of bearhugging the bait and dragging the boat along, and slapping people’s hands away when they try to cut the hook loose. If you’re not taking it then something is up.

It’s always the furries.


Take care. I love cream soda too.


Avoid the brothels.

he got stuck in the railings last week and he’s been there ever since

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I think it’s about time I introduce you to “Carpet Samples Furry Guy.”

Why not use butter?

There’s only so much room in those tiny male blood elf heads.

If you need a noun before Lives Matter has any meaning to you than there is something else at play.

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Because they are the same ones who get very into the “population crisis” in the most skeevy ways possible.


Speak for yourself home boy, I’ve got flawless facets that gleam with incredible light.

That beard begs to differ my guy.

“Oh no virtual sexytiems avoid the big bad 3d sex dens”


The threat just made it clear that a certain belf male is more flaws than others.

Fun fact, when making Waterworld, Kevin Costner talked to Speilberg for tips on making it, and was told that filming an underwater movie on location was really expensive and to do as much as possible in the studio. Costner then promptly decided to do the whole movie on location and did the surprise pikachu face when it ended up being the most expensive movie to date.

got something against beards, friend?

well… to be fair…

I lied I’m making ONE more post right now.

Blood elves have really picked up a lot of the slack for the lack of male orc posting in recent realm forum history. Trend’s just continuing I guess. YA HATE TO SEE IT.

I’ve never actually seen Waterworld but I feel like this should be my multitasking watch while hatching Pokemon eggs tonight. I will keep you posted.

Oh I should be more direct. “Avoid the grooming FCs and guilds using LGBT as a bait for vulnerable teens.”

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