An Apology


New card, please.


I just wonder who made you the moral authority of what I find discriminating is all.

It was in self defense.

“Hi, I’m a child who -actively went to a dangerous area-, got a gun, was in the presence of people I know wanted nothing to do with me and then killed multiple people. I’m so innocent and my mom should definitely not be locked in a cell for driving me across state lines to do this!”


Yes, BLM and Antifa who were gonna execute a kid because he’s alt right.

Are you sure it wasn’t because he started shooting at people?

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If only things were that simple.

Yeah they were totally gonna do that. That’s totally a thing they’ve ever done, anywhere.

I thought alt right was a slur? Why did you just say a slur?!

Court documents shows he didn’t shoot first. The first of the three dead guys was hit by a 9mm

Good grief.


It is that simple. It’s called take both parties in the wrong and react accordingly, not try to act like one is an innocent child.

I’m world renowned for sticking those hooks clear through my SKULL, not even my cheek, and even I’m not taking that one.

Human experience and some history lessons to figure out that what you think is a slur is laughable and false.

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I’m honestly surprised no one brought up White Genocide with the way things are going.


i don’t think i called myself innocent. I am just as flawed as everyone here. I wont condemn posters tho or call them derogatory words.

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Why do blood elf males universally have the worst opinions and mindsets?


So apparently you lack empathy, cool. You don’t even know my identity, but I guess some lives are worth more than others huh?

It used to be Forsaken males. It seems to change every few years.

I’m just glad there’s a blood elf AND a worgen being equally absolutely abhorrent so at long last our factions can unite.


How’s that working out? I saw a lot of people leaving the game and server.