An Apology

And maybe figure out what actual discrimination looks, sounds, and feels like.

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Any differing opinion is viewed as alt right apparently.

this cuts deep

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The future is now, old man.


Dude, say something that’s not right out of the textbook. Please. I’m getting concerned here.

I’m sorry, you know who I am how?

A shame for them I’m centrist.

I’m not ready.

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There’s textbooks?

Your character name is right there.

For those watching at home, this means he’s better than you for not having real opinions.

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I’m also a centrist, I also frown on people acting like turd blossoms and trying to play the victim.

Wait, that conjecture is based on a character name?

You have been asked, over and over, to provide an example of actual discrimination. The most you’ve come up with was “people disagreed with me online and called me alt-right even though I keep parroting alt-right talking points.”

oof. Don’t kick me there.

Ignorance isn’t an attractive feature and this will not help you find someone.

There’s actually been plenty of differing opinions it’s just your gross alt-right rhetoric gets labeled as gross alt-right rhetoric. Spoiler: When you don’t post gross alt-right rhetoric people have either agreed with you or let the comment slide.

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The only thing you’ve tied your shoelaces up and stood for is “alt-right and NPC are slurs”.

It’s not everything about you but it’s telling.

Again, Kyle Rittenhouse is the purest case of discrimination.

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He was discriminated against for shooting people?


this is the biggest bait if ive ever seen one in my entire life