An Apology

You really don’t want to know.

To be fair I have no idea what you’re talking about.

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Terrible blog tbh.

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I recommend to delete this thread before comment section gets too far.

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Not going to lie, makes me glad to be an old fart whose cringe-y internet exploits were swallowed into the hungry maw of entropy and decayed servers from the early days of Sitepowerup and mIRC.

Honestly, and I speak to everyone right now, treat everything you say and do online as if you were to say and do it in public. The era of the separation between online and offline personas no longer exists.


Oh no! You mean that if someone I meet in real life and rolls their eyes at my endless supply of dad jokes goes to Google me they’ll find that’s also all I do on the internet?


Yeah and that has good and bad implications, doesn’t it? It always bothers me when people drag stuff up from people’s distant pasts and use it to try to cancel them. I mean man, ten years ago I had some pretty bad takes. People change.


Indeed. But at the same time, some people don’t change. I can think of one notable national example who proudly proclaims his viewpoints on topics haven’t changed since he was in High School. Which is abjectly terrifying, going through DECADES of life experience without one iota of growth.

It also circles back to my first comment about if your sense of humor involves degrading another group of people, get a better sense of humor. I get how it can seem funny (as you say, people change and I had some really bad takes in my youth), but it’s not. It really is not.


Damn, looks like I missed some saucy drama.

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Degeneracy beacon?
Vice light?
S*** storm?


I’ve read that people opposite of virtue signaling is a behavior called “empathy patrolling.”


from what i read its just someone taking a bunch of edgy memes out of context and blowing it up for no reason


Too many people online forget the golden rule.

“Do unto others as you want done unto you.”

I don’t care where you are communicating, it doesn’t hurt to show everyone you come across a small iota of respect. If you run around belittling and mocking people, people are going to mock you.

The thing I have learned about this great evil “cancel culture” is that, it’s really no different than a boycott, people who do terrible things quickly find out other people don’t want to be around them. No one is getting cancelled from the world, people aren’t being taken out behind the barn and shot. They’re just being kicked off platforms, or ousted from groups of friends who don’t want to engage with insults and harmful content.

Cancel culture isn’t real. The more accurate description is “being held to the standard of the groups you are trying to be a part of”

If you say nasty things in the workplace, you get fired, if you use derogatory language and hurtful words to your peers, they cease wanting to be your friend.

Hurtful people reap what they sow, be kind to others and you won’t have any issues.


“People are too sensitive now-a-days” is code for “Why can’t I just be a horrible person without being called out on my behavior?”


I find it BREATHTAKING that posts condemning homophobia are actionable. It’s still, STILL amazing to me. Like, the very obvious abuse of the report function on the player end, whatever? I get that because people are bigoted scum and are going to do that? But the fact that on the moderator’s side of it, it’s never permissible to tell off homophobes

wow. wow.


There are no wars in Ba Sing Se human rights violations in Hong Kong.


You win one internet for the Avatar reference.

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If you think that’s bad, there have been rampant homophobic threads on the general forums left untouched since April that are still active.


This just happened to my all-time favorite internet person and she’s consistently apologized for her jokes from 10 years ago and is now in therapy because she’s one of those genuinely caring people and she feels absolutely awful about how those jokes (which honestly were extremely lighthearted in most cases imo) hurt a few people today.
She wasn’t even cancelled actually, she just removed herself from the internet entirely because she felt bad but you know, same thing.