An Apology

For the benefit of those in the audience (and not the goober arguing ineptly in bad faith who already knows this) a “slur” is a reference to someone’s unalterable traits, such as race, gender, or sexuality. Labels attached to someone’s behavior are, by definition, not slurs. Anyone trying to claim they are is attempting to avoid being held responsible for their bad behavior.

I don’t want their words. I want yours. Explain to me how Alt-Right is derogatory. I want YOUR opinion. Hand it over.

It’s been a while so I’ll help if anyone is looking for discrimination: I think you’re the most poorly masqueraded alt-right chud NPC I’ve ever seen and I feel like watching you interact gives me vibes of those old “Hey everyone, post whatever and if you get doubles I’ll post that next” threads from 4Chan because as far as a personality goes you don’t rank as an individual, just a slurry of beige and grey brain fluids.

I’m putting Velveeta a nudge above on the ruler because I’m convinced they’re 13, maybe an early 14 so they still have a chance to do something other than stick their fingers down their throats until Ben Shapiro gish gallop talking points come out for the rest of their life.

I come up with something good to say and then someone else raises the bar on stupid, so I gotta come up with ANOTHER thing to say and honestly this thread is a goldmine of roast potential


I feel like a GD thread got transplanted here.

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I don’t let them dictate how I feel. I read the room, know how I personally feel about the present state of the world and react accordingly. As such, I will take jabs at those I view as wrong since, by the standards of today, they -are- wrong.

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I can explain it:

The left has been using alt-right to discredit people (particularly of the right wing affiliation) as racist, Sexist, homophobic, (Essentially insert anything ending with “ist” or “Phobic”) bigots.

In a GD thread the neofashies wouldn’t need to weasel around identifying themselves, that stuff is socially acceptable over there.

how it feels to chew five gum

What if the people don’t see them as wrong?

If you think Dogpiling is somehow a good look, then that’s on you, chief. I can say one thing that is true and be called alt-right. POTUS is the best preaident ever and I am not even Republican.

Alt-Right was literally coined by right wing activists who felt traditional conservative values weren’t going far enough but please tell me again how those devious, slanderous leftists made it up.

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Have you considered the possibility of them being legitimately racist/sexist/homophonic?

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Congratulations. You’ve explained while it’s mildly insulting.

Explain to me how Alt-Right is comparable to being denied work for being gay.

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How is ending wars in the middle east a bad thing, I question.

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I ain’t clicking that.

Thank you for a new image to be saved.

Kinda hard when one of my best friends is a black lesbian conservative.

Are you saying straight cis white men aren’t being denied jobs at tech companies?