An Apology

“this refutes my position” =/= “this doesn’t make sense”

No one has proven to me that alt right is hate speech yet. They just say its self evident.

yeah imagine being called out for your bad ideas and opinions instead of your skin color or sexuality.

Peace was never an option. This is the internet.

I called you a chud a few times, how come that didn’t make the list of the worst words ever?


Scroll up.

But I haven’t been called out for anything.

Oh the same thread where you posted this?

Maybe you should stop giving ‘alt-right’ and ‘NPC’ power.

“Hey guys, I am getting called out for my bad ideas and wrong opinions which I can -change-. It’s the exact same thing as people getting discriminated against for their skin color and sexual orientation!”

Imagine thinking this is the same.


Correct. Its all bad in my book.

Liotuse, no, don’t make him carry those heavy goalposts again! Back injuries are no joke!

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It is far too late for that. The Andrews of the world only gain in strength.

You insisted that it’s a slur/derogatory earlier. You’ve asked others for the burden of proof, no I ask the same of you

Look I’m allowed to make back injury jokes. My dad’s had a back injury. I get a pass.


My favorite thing is how long Thokk’s picture has been in “Replying.”


This is going to be a difference if opinion, but if I could change one thing about the way the world works, it would be to make nobody oppressed at all.

Scroll up at those who dismissed me with saying those slurs.

The only slurs used in this thread were in the imgur album, sorry boss.

Imagine letting words dictate how you feel.

I disagree.