An Apology

My only solace in life is that most of the Gravy Seals are probably going to die before I am due to not taking care of themselves. I like to imagine a beautiful fall day, and a particularly gorgeously orange-red leaf will fall from the tree signalling the turn to winter and as I watch it waft through the breeze and settle on the ground I’ll know someone out there sent me a signal.


Alt right is a buzz word used to label and discredit right leaners.

Now replace conservative with democrats and see what you mean.

oh no

facts and logic

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Can you give the rest of the class an actual example of discrimination you’ve faced? Personally? Whether or not you’re actually an alt-righter or “NPC” in actuality but just had the TERRIBLE WOES AND TROUBLES of being accused and treated as one?

EDIT: I’m glad these forums work and had me reply to the wrong Echelon post, but still.


My mind jumps to the explaination on how one can’t be racist against white people because white people “Hold authority on the world”

I dont think anyone was really “defending” you, just people that thought you were sincere in your apology…which…apparently was not the case after all.

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This thread’s turned into one hell of a ride.

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New card, please.


“Look at how the meaning of your message changes when you replace a word with another word that you didn’t say, mean, or imply!”

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Nice deflection, now prove me wrong.

I feel like you should have to prove at least one person wrong before you get to demand anybody do it to you.

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Imagine thinking weaponized Twitter of all things happens to only one side of the political spectrum.

Jesus wept.

we were all getting along so well momentarily.

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“I think Coolsville sucks.”

Echelon we’re still waiting for you to captivate us with a story of discrimination (and possibly oppression) you’ve faced as someone who may or may not have been swept up in the tide of alt-right or NPC “”“slurs”"".


If it’s all the same to you, why do you not censor Alt-Right or NPC. You should feel some level of discomfort saying it if it’s discriminatory, shouldn’t you? Does your stomach twist in knots when you read or hear these words. Are you genuinely discomforted by it?

Would you step in to chide someone in public for using these words?

Which one would you feel the least comfortable using around a group of minorities? You know more than I do. Make the distinction for me.

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That doesn’t make sense.

Made it to 500, I feel accomplished. It’s as bad as trade now!

Have you not been keepibg up with the thread where I was called these things?

Stick around. it’ll get better!