An Apology

Because I got a notification you replied to me?

that was terrible, i prefer being a gundam

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You haven’t said anything to offend anyone yet. Since anything will do, say something like “Doritos are better than actual nachos.”

Japan just made a moving Gundam and a flying car. The future looks bright.

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I see you too are a man of culture.

I was accountable for putting my hand on a hot stove once and I swiftly assumed the right to call it out for virtue signalling and tell the stove it’s discriminating against me for burning my hand because of my actions.


This is definitely an opinion thing. I would not find it liberating at all, but I also just hate when personal business becomes everyone’s business.

Also bold of you to assume I just don’t hate anyone who thinks of themselves in any category of American politics, regardless if it’s red or blue or whatever the buzzword is for labeling each of these categories. I think the people who scream praise of Trump are just as stupid as the people who scream “Vote Blue No Matter Who” or whatever that slogan goes.


Fair enough. I won’t delve into politics, but I can assure you everyone’s got their own reason for voting who they vote for here. I’ve come to accept that. others (especially people in my neighborhood) not so much.

As for me, why would giving examples of being called slurs somehow validate that all discrimination is bad.

The discrimination you want to stamp your feet about isn’t real.

Did the stove also use the wrong pronouns and accuse you of microaggressions?

It exists here and now.

I’ll give an example.

help, help

Have you tried any self-reflection on why you’re being “”“discriminated”"" against and having “”“slurs”"" used against you?

What a discrimination andy


If I could change one thing about the way the world works, it would be to make conservatives actually as oppressed as they like to pretend they are.


I think putting LGBT and BLM or profiles is just like Blizzard wearing a pride flag on Blizzcon, but refused to acknowledge Hong Kong.

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I feel like if someone pointed a gun to your head and forced you to choose which was the worse slur. Alt-Right would be beat out by a few choice words.


As I said, you’re willing to argue in oppression Olympics. I just state discrimination is discrimination.