An Apology

Are you saying its on par with Trans/homophobic and racist slurs?

Again, saying something is alt right or far left doesn’t make it true or false.

I know “Alt Right” is a slur, but I have never heard of “Alt Right Andy.”

NPC is a term used to describe people who pehave in predictable patterns, as if they’re scripted to do it.

Why does it need to be on par? Discrimination is Discrimination.

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I didn’t know there were varying degrees of offensive slurs.

Criticizing and labeling crappy people for crappy behavior is not discrimination.

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I’m sorry bro. But I wouldn’t swing at someone if they called me an NPC.

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Ahem, that’s what it was to me. To me it was a cheap laugh. To Clarify.

oh my god they’ve literally gone into “Karen is the n-word for white people” territory



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Nothing has to be “Long running” to be called out. New or old. Discrimination is just that.

y’know if anybody actually thought these “outlooks” were okay they wouldn’t always be hidden behind weasel words like this


Who called you a Simp? Can you point them out in the lineup? Who was it, buddy?


I would never swing. If words make me swing, there are other issues than words.

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Apparently since i quoted bae it decided to not respond to you directly but more or less I get the point, I’d just never request someone publicly apologize myself. That’d just put me on edge.

Lads, when he said stand back and stand by that meant you’re supposed to keep waiting for the signal.

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Anyone that gets physically violent over slang or words is an idiot anyway.


Why do people give this guy a hard time? He seems smart as hell!

Is it as weasel as the person on deathwing posting this?

When called out, deflect.

Your entire repertoire is textbook, sonny boy.

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Must be nice to not have a word associated with generations of oppression and hurled at you by only the most hateful of individuals. I wish I could enjoy such a luxury.