An Apology

NPC, Alt right, etc.,

He thinks NPC is a slur.


Calling someone sucky isn’t a slur. I’m sorry sir, you need to come up with something else.

Please say sike.

This we can agree on.

Who are you, and what have you done with llotuse!?

You deserve some popcorn, bud! :popcorn:

im screaming forever

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Karen is about to be a slur next, huh?

Explain or just grift.

Let me clarify, before my guild asked me to apologize I felt bad and offered it the moment they confronted me. It was my idea, not theirs. I asked where to take this and it was here.

I’ve been dealing with some rough s&^% lately, real rough s*$#. The last thing I want is s&%@ over a video game where I come to escape. If you are upset for what I did, then I am truly sorry. I don’t want your enjoyment ruined over something I did for a cheap laugh. Because that’s all it was to me at the time, a cheap laugh in poor taste. To those I’ve wronged, I request you contact me so I can apologize more directly. Because I will, I am fully prepared too. But I need some cooperation, a bone thrown my way to speak?

I’m not hiding from anyone or anything. I could have just kept my mouth shut and got demoted. But I care about something bigger than myself. I care about my guild, still do. There’s no reason to spin this out of control.

if someone dismisses you for being a ___Andy does that not sound like prejudice.

When I was a kid, if I did something wrong to someone or damaged property, they’d put me in front of them to issue an apology.

Humility can just as good as an apology.

ok boomer.


He thinks Alt Right Andy is a slur.


That’s fair.

I’d personally never expect anyone to go out of their way to make some big apology post, that stuff would make me cringe off the planet. I’d rather they just apologize to me directly and then let me as a single entity decide whether or not they’re worth my trust again.

I mean I agree there, it was an explanation that didn’t exactly elevate their status.

But it was an explanation to why it was public at all, so it managed to get me to wipe off the foam from my rabies and just make me confused.

I was going to make a Linux joke but you beat me to it!



Are you arguing it isn’t?

NPC is not a slur. I know you want it to be. But it’s not.

I can’t get over the idea of a guy who confirmed that he was using alt-right talking points and argued that they were ~valid~ is also claiming “alt-right” is a slur.

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explain the long-running oppression and history of ‘NPC’ or ‘alt-right’ in comparison to real slurs

The only thing I’m gonna say on this post is that if you acknowledge something as wrong you shouldn’t try to downplay how wrong it was or wasn’t.