An Apology

She’s one of the few you’ll want to ignore in the thread, Ruinala. They are one of a few that… well… they like to make things worse than they are.

HAHA because I am human being? Me make mistake?

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This only confirms that this was a hit piece.



People are just hoping you keep on the better of the two tracks while condemning what’s in the screencaps. Unless I missed something in those, you’re only there once. Which sucks. It also sucks that you were ‘forced to’ and just didn’t on your own, though I know some people might have bemoaned it being performative.

If you did leave that server, good. If you do know that your post was wrong, better. I don’t know if the DMs you said were leaked were those screencaps in the album or another thing entirely, but either way.

Please don’t PUBG bridge this.

We’re not even that public! The Wyrmrest forums is a group of like 40 people that occasionally get invaded by the world’s lamest redhats whenever we talk about liking gay people and stuff.

Go tell your guild that Ursuola said you should go apologize to the people who were actually involved, instead of random nobodies who had never heard of you until exactly this incident.


So is this a bluehat or a centrist hat server?

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And to be honest, who honestly thinks its a good idea to go confession box in the WrA forums?

Have they ever been to these forums?

I don’t even know who the first one is and the second has me blocked and when I apologized to them via ingame mail they feigned ignorance and told me to leave them alone. So I did.

Gonna be 100% and we’re all adults here. I’ve been called the N-word straight to my face by a grown woman in a fit of anger and it’s not an “oops! Sorry about that!” Word. It’s habitual and it’s got a purpose. This “We’re all human we all make mistakes.” S.hit doesn’t hold water with me, and I’m not apologising for that. Find another fool to spin that nonsense to.


Should of never apologized my dude.
Idealogues hold a grudge to the grave.

If I had to bet on it, I’d say Apache.

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If I ever (somehow) slip on something incredibly major and potentially more known I probably would, as well as my tumblr, and Twitter just for the most optics on my acknowledgment of what was wrong and why. Get in touch with the person/people as well to apologize more directly.

I’m not really in any community Discords, but would do that too if I did.

I did it a few times last year when I made drama known public chat channels. I felt guilty, because I did it full well with the intent to cause problems. I made an apology thread on here, they got in touch with me, I was forgiven.

Let people apologize, it’s a cleansing thing.

I guess.

It just feels so strange to essentially stand on a rooftop and megaphone your misdeeds to a bunch of people who probably don’t care and are suddenly going to input their opinions on your position.

More power to you I guess, it just feels stagey even if that’s not the intent.

This post only had like 96 replies when I looked at it this morning.

What the hell happened???


pvp happened


It might come off as stagey to want the most optics on it but it could also be an accountability thing, especially if it’s in/around a community that you want to stay involved with.

A proper and good apology might do enough for the people. Then there’s also more people in the know about your prior behaviour and the ensuing apology and promise to hold them to about not having something like that happen again.

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Yeah, it leaves you vulnerable to the posters who will downright objectify you and label you slurs for you using slurs and objecitification.

well. “here’s my apology that i was forced to make. someone betrayed me so this is really their fault. if you don’t accept this, you suck.”

it wasn’t exactly a good explanation.

lmao where was this in the thread