An Apology

I don’t! I’d never even heard of them until three days ago. But if they’re going to prostrate themselves in front of God and everybody, telling us how sorry they are, they’re going to get people in the thread telling them “good for apologizing, now do the other bit that you need to do.”

All this is painting a picture of someone who’s never had anyone genuinely apologize to them like an adult before, and it’s getting a little sad, actually.

I can’t remember if I included the bit in my original post about feeling the need to give people a path out of bigoted spaces; I meant to, but lunch breaks are only so long.

But like, while it’s unreasonable to expect immediate perfection in all instances, if you want to earn a person’s goodwill back, you at least owe them a serious attempt. Change is hard, yeah, but presumably if you value that person’s opinion of you, you’ll be at least willing to do the hard thing.

There’s a difference between asking someone to put in effort to change their behavior and telling them to go get crucified if they want their sins forgiven so bad.

Hard to say. If I was in that situation I certainly would talk to people directly. Maybe there were a lot of people in that discord and they wanted to make sure they got everybody? Maybe in their head they thought it would be less embarrassing to post here than talk directly to people? Maybe they didn’t think they could bring themselves to issue the same apology a dozen times?

That’s just brainstorming. Maybe it’s one of those reasons, maybe it’s something else, maybe they were hoping for this exact thread to unfold this exact way. Like I said, I’m a bit of an idealist.


Hard to say, this thread is long and I may have forgotten/missed it. Regardless, like I said, unless you’re one of the people the OP is apologizing to I wouldn’t expect you to be the one to help them improve, that’s down to the people that know them. Their decision, and I wouldn’t expect them to go dive right back I to a situation they’re still healing from, either.

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Not a huge hotdog fan, but these are amazing.


Because they were sorry. I’ve made public apology threads when I’ve done something that warrants it.

He probably did it because he believed that his actions extended to someone beyond the select few that he has harmed.

This is very true.

Because for someone to come out publicly and laying their cards on the table, they must have felt that they really did something wrong.

To be honest, I just see what he said as off color humor among friends. Just because I make a bipolar joke doesn’t mean I hate bipolar people. Especially since I, myself, am bipolar. A joke is not a violent attack, and that’s what people are forgetting these days.

Trolls are everywhere on the internet. However, there are also those that learn to laugh at absolute insanity. The phrase “I laugh, so I don’t scream” holds truth.

End up insane from forum posts?

The fact this hit piece came from a place such as where it did instead of talking privately is another can of worms people like to overlook. But hey, if it confirms your bias why not make it public?

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I’ve learned a lot about the WRA community in the past couple of days thanks to this thread. People are vindictive, unforgiving, spiteful, and hold grudges.

The reason I laugh? Because it’s obscure. I remember someone referencing “Sorry is not enough” long ago, and I end up laughing because it’s so obscure. So inhuman. So… well… Disgusting. And the word “Evil” and “Hateful” is thrown around so frivolously, it registers as static now.

Probably. I’ve heard of worse reasons for going insane.

My problem is that, as someone who does not know this person, it comes off as racist since I don’t have context or knowledge about this person. It’s not off colour humor to me, it’s just being racist. How am I supposed to see it as anything else when the person in questionis apologizing in a public forum for being racist against people like me? Not only that, but then several other links of racism including them saying the N word multiple times doesn’t exactly earn favour in this department either.

We never had to know any of this information if they had just kept his apologies private, and if they felt like they wronged more people they shouldn’t have aired their sins for everyone to see and just accepted that some people just aren’t going to like them anymore. Not everyone is going to like you, sometimes you earn that dislike.

I just can’t see the logic behind posting on the forums about a topic like this and expecting anything else but these results. You don’t apologize for sucking at being a decent human being and then not expect people to go “Wow you really do kind of suck”.

can anyone parse what this means

This isn’t a good look, chief.

…Nope. Not touching this thread with a hundred foot pole.


I believe its due to them not facing enough differing outlooks that makes them act with such vitriol when someone does not repeat the mantra word for word.

The heck is going on in he-

ques Jesus H Christ sfx from Full Metal Jacket

I made a public apology because my guild asked me to or be demoted. And I was demoted anyway. Wth happened here, I stepped away for a few days and it turned into this mess.

For those defending me, I don’t need your help.

For those condemning me still; let’s be honest. Nothing I say or do is going to satisfy you anyway so as far as I’m concerned your opinion is mute.

I posted insensitive meme on a whim in a discord, a meme I deleted, a discord server I left. Then said the wrong thing to someone with a different intent thinking I could trust them. I should have said I haven’t used such a word in a very long time, so long I don’t even remember the last time I did. Which was my core intent. Ooops…I made a mistake, I’m human. We make mistakes. But that someone turned out to be a coward and a backstabber. They leaked my DMs and hid behind anonymity to prevent future harassment to themselves. Say what you want, that’s cowardice in my book.

However being the better man that I am, they get to keep their anonymity for now provided I not get harassed in game. This thread is a glorified @$^!show, taken well beyond it’s intended purpose. Don’t pretend you know me based off a series of mistakes, because you don’t. If your opinion of me hasn’t changed by now, it never well so feel free to sod off.


Godspeed, Spiderman.

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Context is a hell of a drug.

“I only apologized because I was forced to,” probably isn’t what you want to lead with tbh.


Good on you bud. I wish you the best in your adventures!


Honestly I think that was more in response to me going irate because I had no idea why this was public.

And to be honest I think their guild is moronic for making this public at all. All they did was create drama and made stuff that should have stayed between them into a show for everyone to see.


Clarifying that I think the apology being public is moronic.

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Maybe you shouldn’t be making comments or posting content that’ll have negative effects if they get out. :thinking:

No one forced me to do anything, I wanted to keep my position and I actually felt bad about what I did. I care about my guild, I put a lot of time and energy into it and didn’t want them receiving any backlash on my behalf. Quit trying to spin this into something it’s not.