Amirdrassil: The Final Form

They’re mad the buildings aren’t brand new because reasons, doesn’t matter how good they actually look. Also that it isn’t big enough, because reasons. As if the space now will even see heavy use.


If the topic comes up, sure I will, why wouldn’t I?
This is low effort, and I am going to call it out for being low effort.

I guess I need to wait until people’s honeymoon moment to be over first

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I would love if it’s an “evergreen” style place that constantly updates and adds more stuff through the patches even beyond DF.

That’s your prerogative, I guess.

It looks about how I expected it to.

Yeah, how long you think it took devs to make the tent? A couple days at best.
The coding for the progression and store system took way longer than a tent

“I don’t like it so it doesn’t count!”

tiny angry gnome feet stomping

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If thats what you understood from this conversation I guess you are not well informed on the development process.

I am sure in a book we will hear how great it is but as players we will never see it.
This little asset dump the intern put together is the best we are going to get.

More than what you have, you come into. A happy hype thread and decide to piss and moan and tear everyone down for… reasons.

Did you expect anything less? This has been one of the most vocal members of the Nelf brigade, despite the gnome avatar. Probably should just let him be upset.

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Maybe instead of a 0.5 patch it should have been a 1.0 patch :upside_down_face:

One of the most vocal? I have an active sub may be 2 or 3 months out of a year at best

Post history is easily searchable

um sure search away I guess.

You can’t his profile is hidden :smile:

If its important for you guys for me to wear the crown of most vocal I will accept it.
But I don’t think I am lying when I say this is a low effort by blizzard.

When the honeymoon phase is over people are going to say the same thing I am. Its couple house and tent asset dump and thats the last we will see of this place.
Oh an over sized bridge. Can’t forget the unnecessarily large bridges.

Are we talking about the same blood elves???

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They are going to get an entire expansion dedicated to them. I don’t think they will have much to complain about. Alliance get’s 0.5 scraps typically.

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I don’t really care if it looks good or not… if it’s not in Kalimdor they can do whatevere they want.
The Tree sole purpose was to give Dragons their powers back so :man_shrugging:t2:

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Just use google. But my point isn’t to troll or shame him, he is within his rights to be vocal. I’m just saying that I’m not surprised that this is the direction that the conversation has headed


You are going to get a lot of debates between Micah and Ren about how hating sylvanas is actually misogynistic