Amirdrassil: The Final Form

Silvermoon is destroyed but the Blood Elves begin a new city over Zul’Amon.

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I just love how your unreasonable expectation argument is literally what the Horde is getting :rofl:
Reminds me of the arguments that BFA needed to end in a stalemate because Alliance should not be able to commit genocide against the Horde even though we started the expansion with the Horde committing one.

Rules for thee but not for me eh?

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I would not be shocked if it ended with the sunwell exploding in a mini sundering and sinking half Quel’thalas.

would never happen, it will be as destroyed as Suramar.
its going to be the next shared capital of the expansion and the sunwell the portal to send us to who knows where.

Quel’Danas does have a City like Darnassus and it is an Island Zone…

Wouldn’t mind if it were utterly Void-desolated to the point of being uninhabitable!

I didn’t say that it was unreasonable to have a Night Elf expansion, you are putting words in my mouth. I said that it is the only thing that would heal the wounds of the War of Thorns.

What I DID say was unreasonable was to expect this patch zone to be a full blown city with a bank, auction house, etc.

Midnight ends in a solid loss of some form so… It won’t be pretty for Quel’thalas.

It will be very pretty for Quel’Thalas dont worry about it.

What would heal the wounds is actual positive substantial content, not low effort side projects that could be put together by amateurs.

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The irony of saying this during a patch cycle that is 100% dedicated to the Night Elves and their tree.


Them’s some well oiled goal posts you are sliding around.


Its 100% dedicated true, I didn’t have a complaint until I saw this piece of garbage that is indeed low effort crap. Guess Blizzard could not keep up the quality they started with.

Its the same goal posts I have been riding for years. The oil is caked in there like a well seasoned cast iron skillet.

An expansion-sized revamp of Quel’Thalas might be a white Christmas for the average blood elf superfan, but if the reality of this ends up being all they love about their race and faction going neutral or getting destroyed, well…

Genuine question, would you have felt better if they had not done the duplicate zone and just left it as the Emerald Dream with the Azeroth version only existing in lore?

I would have preferred nothing rather than this crap for sure.
Honestly seeing the OP’s images I have lost my drive to keep playing the current patch.

If only it was in Kalimdor, or atleast we got a confirmation that night elves aren’t kicked out of Kalimdor…

It’s hard to be happy about things like these with the Kalimdor things


Sigh They weren’t kicked from Kalimdor nor are they abandoning it. Please stop making stuff up now.


So they aren’t going to actually live in/on the tree, just set up a few structures around it it looks like. Hopefully that ugly green fog is just a PTR thing, it makes it look like it surrounded by poison fog.


Also thank you for the thread and pics, they are most appreciated ^w^


The buildings look great, but I’ll gonna start a riot if the Temple of Elune isn’t be located on the treetops with a beautiful view on the moon and night sky. Space under the roots of Amidrassil looks beautiful and very druidish themed, but it resembles more an druid school rather than a real night elves city, also the blue colors of Ardenweald does not fit the aesthetics of this place.

I hoped in the pond where Tyrande blessed the tree we will find a portal who take us to the upper part of Amirdrassil where we gonna see the new Darnassus full of elegant white buildings surrounded by blue fluorescence lights.

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You are being disingenuous, the forsaken retook capital city in shadowlands but the undercity still is unavailable it is still plagued and by lore they are atill cleaning it, so the forsaken would live in the ruins above until all the plague is cleared.

They did not got a bank, a portal room, new assets, and still per lore it is a city full of ppl.

This is the mirror case like you or not and you are getting a whole new zone, with new assets, and it is still WORK IN PROGESS.

Man the horde got a single quest to resolve this while you got a whole patch, yeah the execution is not perfect but still you guys are being feed alot more than horde players ever had and have you seeing forsaken players do 1/4 of the whining you guys are doing?
Like I said for once be grateful