Amirdrassil: The Final Form

I would not say this is ideal no. I always had secret hopes for a Legion’s Moonguard Stronghold style city. But this is not bad either. It suits the Kaldorei just fine. Its basically a big city spread over an entire island, blended into the forest. I would sort of like a small corner of stone buildings for the Shendralar, admittedly.

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Good catch. There is an old member of the community, who would be counting the number of wisps right now if she were here (and complaining that there weren’t enough of them.)


But where is the bank? Where is the auction house? Where are they supposed to sit and eat? EDIT: I forgot that the undead don’t eat lol

Yeah, it looks good. That’s the main purpose it’ll have down the road. No need to do more than that.

Oh, they do. It is even a racial.



I will ask those questions when Blizzard markets the courtyard as the new home.
Until then I will wait.

I do not need to wait for Amirdrassil though, I can clearly see the low effort garbage their unpaid intern put together :laughing:

Sorry I wasn’t aware that Undercity was no longer the Undead’s home

it wasn’t hence the questline to try an recover it. They are still working on it.

My first thought looking at it is it’ll be a great Kaldorei RP hub. That is something we have been missing a long time now.

you going to RP among the 5 houses 3 tents and 20 unnecessarily large bridges?

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Agreed. Like that’s what most cities not named Stormwind or Orgrimmar tend to be now. Cool places to roleplay. And that’s what this’ll be.

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I honestly sometimes wonder if you are just here to troll.


If I wanted to troll I would be doing it differently
You know I have a point… What I say is true

Boralus has better areas made for RP, because they actually bothered to spend time on it. This? Low effort. You can have the same RP experience in Valshara. At least there you have a Moon Temple to use.

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No, you do not. Are you seriously comparing this against a major expansion hub city?

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I think he is genuinely this upset. For a lot of fans the real grievance is still the war of thorns and anything short of a Night Elf themed expansion set in Kalimdor would not be enough to heal those wounds. Though I’m not sure if any of them would actually admit that, the goalposts seem to have moved pretty substantially over the years.

“I just want the Night Elves to ~EXIST~” used to be an old talking point, when I first started lurking here. We’ve come a long way since then

We could have a NE themed expansion in Kalimdor but if its as low effort as this I would be making the same complaint.

But we don’t get NE themed Kalimdor expansions, Nope, we do get Blood Elf, Quelthelas expansion though :crazy_face:

No I am comparing it to the half of Valshara that isn’t wrecked by the emerald nightmare.

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If I was a game developer I would rather spend the money towards the Blood Elves too. At least that fanbase isn’t nuts. And they had 90% of their population slaughtered by Arthas!


Ideally Silvermoon gets totally destroyed (unlike being half ruins for so many years) so we can assess the reactions.


Sounds like it is being invaded by the Void. Probably won’t be pretty

Fair, I suppose. I was pretty upset about it for a long time myself, given a drunk idiot unceremoniously set fond childhood memories on fire. But I also think holding onto that emotion for this long is definitely not healthy. I am happy to see any positive development at this point. My hope is after this they just leave the Kaldorei alone awhile.

The voices tell me I am very sane.